DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Despite waves of COVID-19 outbreaks continuing to challenge us in 2021/22, Alumni Affairs still managed to organise 12 events and activities which some of the talks being conducted in a hybrid format to accommodate alumni with different attending preferences. In addition to the regular events including the Alumni Week, Alumni Talks and Happy Hour Talk Series, we launched the “We Support” campaign during the severe fifth wave of covid outbreak. Three talks regarding wellness, vaccination and healthy diet during pandemic were organised to provide the audience with the latest information on the pandemic and soothe their anxieties. The events and activities organised this year attracted over 3,000 alumni with accumulated views of more than 20,000. On 10 December 2021, School Concert was organised under the theme of “Rejoice Together”, we had an attractive programme featuring a variety of musical genres delivered by alumni, students, teachers, and staff of HKU SPACE. Nearly 240 guests, which included donors, VIPs, school managements and supporters of the School turned up for the Concert and enjoyed a wonderful evening together. As a major fundraising initiative, the Concert raised $168,500, an increase of 15% over 2019. Our alumni come from varied backgrounds and professions; one of the best ways to connect and strengthen the professional and personal networks with those with the same background, profession and interest are through Subject Alumni Groups. Currently, HKU SPACE has 19 Subject Alumni Groups, including a new Subject Alumni Group, HKU SPACE Docent Alumni Society, formed in 2021. Through the monthly e-newsletter and regular electronic direct mails, alumni can receive updated news, events, activities and privileges of Alumni and School events. The number of volunteers reached to 1,500. Over 50 privileges on dining, accommodation, lifestyle, health, and electronic appliances continued to gain strong interest from the alumni. 2019冠狀病毒病疫情在2021/22年反覆不定, 我們仍然屢受疫情帶來的挑戰。雖然如此,在校 友事務方面,學院仍能成功舉辦12場活動,部分 講座以線上線下混合模式進行,以迎合校友不同 的出席喜好。 除了定期舉辦的活動如校友週、校友講座及 Happy Hour 講座系列,我們於嚴峻的第五波疫 情期間推出了「We Support」計劃,共舉辦了三 場關於心靈健康、疫苗及健康飲食的講座,為校 友提供最新疫情資訊,紓緩他們的不安情緒。 本年度舉辦的活動一共吸引超過3,000名校友參 加,累計出席/ 觀看人次超過20,000。 我們於2021 年12月10日舉辦學院音樂會,主 題是「Rejoice Together」。節目內容吸引,包 括不同形式的音樂表演,讓校友、學生、教師和 職員一展音樂才華。音樂會共有近240名嘉賓 出席,當中包括善長、貴賓、學院管理層及支持 者,師生的精彩演出讓觀眾度過了一個難忘的晚 上。作為學院的主要籌款活動,音樂會一共籌得 168,500元,較2019年增加15%。 我們的校友來自不同背景和專業,其中一個有 效連結和壯大校友專業和個人網絡的方法,就 是透過校友組織連結擁有相同背景、專業和興 趣的校友。現時學院共有19個校友組織,包括 於2021 年新成立的香港大學專業進修學院導賞 員校友會。 透過每月電子報和定期宣傳電郵,校友可獲取最 新的學院資訊,以及校友消息、各項活動、聚會 和優惠詳情。我們的義工人數已達1,500人。另 外,我們超過50項飲食、住宿、優悠生活、健 康和電子產品優惠繼續受到校友熱烈歡迎。 Alumni Affairs 校友事務 ALUMNI AFFAIRS & DEVELOPMENT 校友事務及發展 16