DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 Our ICB and SEA colleagues also organised the 3rd Inno Valley competition which was the culmination of preliminary rounds in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The final comprised 12 projects and judges were drawn from Cyberport, Microsoft, Bain Capital, PwC, Amino Capital, Sequoia Capital and the Green Partnership for Industrial Parks for China. The competition resulted in 2 champions, a 1st and 2nd runner up as well as awards for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ESG Excellence and for Prominence. We were also pleased to see the installation at ISP of our Aviation facilities including a mock up cabin and flight simulator laboratory, air traffic control simulation and an aircraft maintenance facility. We hope to help prepare students for the recovery of the industry. We were also delighted to present the annual long service awards ceremony where 83 staff completing 20, 15 and 10 years were recognised. To summarise, another busy year for the School with many notable events and achievements plus the prospect of change on the horizon for 2022/23 and beyond. 中國商業學院及企業研究院亦合辦了第三屆創新 創業大賽。大賽的初選環節於北京、上海、廣州 及深圳四地進行,經過一輪激烈角逐後,12個參 賽項目成功進入決賽。本屆大賽邀請了來自數碼 港、微軟、貝恩資本、普華永道、矽谷豐元創投、 紅杉資本及中國商務部國家級經濟技術開發區綠 色發展聯盟的專業投資人士擔任評委,最終產生 冠軍2名、亞軍1 名、季軍1 名,以及創新創業 獎、ESG卓越獎和最具人氣獎。 我們很高興在港島南薄扶林分校增建航空學設 施,包括模擬駕駛艙、飛機模擬客艙實驗室、空 中交通管制模擬設施及飛機維修實驗室,以幫助 學生迎接行業復甦做好準備。 學院又舉辦了長期服務獎頒獎典禮,共向83名 員工頒發20 年、15 年及10 年長期服務獎,以 茲嘉許。 總的來說,學院在過去一年忙碌而多彩,舉辦了 多個矚目活動並取得多項成就。我們預期學院在 2022/23年及未來將有多項改變,並已為此做好 準備。 11