DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR院長回顧 His fellow Deputy Director, Professor Sonny Lo, would take over as Acting College Principal. Professor Lo had significant experience in the Education University transition to become a University in dealing with HKCAAVQ and this will stand the Community College in good stead in its transition to Cap 320. Also, Professor Liu Ning Rong, Head of ICB, decided not to extend his contract on expiry. He has been with the School for over 20 years and played a formative role in the establishment and success of ICB, BCC and QEC. He also effectively headed CBF and helped turn around its deficit situation in the mid 2010s. A Task Group to Review China Operations was established under the Deputy Director (Academic Services) to review our future directions in the light of our ambitions to develop sub-degree programmes in the GBA as well as the impact of the HKU Shenzhen campus for our Mainland China operations. Also Dr CL Chan, Chief Information Officer, would scale down his attachment to the School but will continue to involve in some projects in a fractional capacity. Dr TM Kwong retired as Head of CHL but will continue in a fractional capacity and would be succeeded by Dr Danny Gittings as Acting Head. Both have contributed significantly in their areas and will be missed. Our involvement with other institutions continues to prosper. The joint venture with Po Leung Kuk, the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho College (HPSHCC) continued to do well and saw increased enrolments compared to the previous year. Centennial College successfully taught out the last cohort of students admitted in 2018/19 and has, for now, completed its responsibilities. In terms of our overseas partners, with whom we offer degree programmes in Hong Kong, we managed to retain both full-time and part-time numbers at the same level as last year but, of course, with quarantine restrictions our partners were not able to visit to offer face to face teaching so this was offered via our local teachers, or on zoom, or via recorded lectures. 常務副院長盧兆興教授現正署任附屬學院校長。 盧教授曾參與教育大學升格成為大學的工作,相 信他與香港學術及職業資歷評審局合作的經驗, 定能幫助附屬學院應付第320章改革的挑戰。 中國商業學院院長劉寧榮教授亦已決定在約滿後 離職。劉教授服務學院超過20年,協助學院成 立及發展中國商業學院、香港大學專業進修學院 (北京)諮詢服務有限公司及香港大學專業進修學 院前海教育諮詢服務(深圳)有限公司。他亦曾 成功帶領金融商業學院在2010年代中期轉虧為 盈。學院已於常務副院長(學務)之下設立工作 小組以檢討學院在中國內地的營運和未來發展方 向,尤其專注於學院在大灣區發展副學位課程的 計劃,以及港大深圳分校對學院在中國內地營運 的影響。 此外,資訊主管陳真良博士將減少他在學院的工 作;人文及法律學院總監鄺子文博士榮休並由賈 廷思博士署任總監一職。陳博士及鄺博士在未來 仍會參與學院部分工作,他們在各自範疇貢獻良 多,我們將銘記於心。 我們繼續與其他機構合作無間。學院與保良局合 資的香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書 院持續表現良好,報名人數較去年有所增長。至 於明德學院,隨着最後一批學生(於2018/19年 入學)畢業,也完成了它的使命。學院與海外夥 伴合作於香港開辦的課程方面,全日制與兼讀制 的收生數字與去年相若;當然,因為檢疫隔離限 制,我們的夥伴未能派員來港提供面授教學,而 改以本地教師、zoom或錄像課堂代替。 8