2 The University of Hong Kong’s Department of Extra Mural Studies (DEMS) was established in 1956/57, the first continuing education unit in a university in the region. DEMS played a significant role in the provision of lifelong learning opportunities for the wider community. In 1992, it was renamed as the School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE). The University has a recognised role in lifelong learning and, as the continuing education arm of the University, HKU SPACE fulfills this part of the University’s mission by providing learning opportunities for personal, professional and career advancement for people from all walks of life. History “Your Department [of Extra-Mural Studies], which was instituted by the Court yesterday, is the most important of all our departments as far as public relations are concerned. Planned aright and if given full scope, your work will touch every section of the community, every stratum of our society; it is the most important means of explaining or making available to the masses the knowledge accumulated by the few.” A congratulatory message delivered by Sir Lindsay Ride, the Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong, dated 22 May 1957.