This is an exempted course under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,本課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,這些課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認這些課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 The course operator is applying for exemption under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 課程主辦人正根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》辦理豁免註冊手續。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 096 Arts, Design & Culture 藝術、設計及文化 Performing Arts 表演藝術 舞蹈基礎證書 課程編號:PE007A 3762 0054 近年來本港的在職青年日漸注重個人形象及體態,流行舞蹈課程在各大健身中心廣 受歡迎。本課程結合舞蹈基本理論及表演技巧,是全面學習流行舞蹈藝術的理想入 門課程。 課程介紹西方傳統及流行舞蹈的起源、發展、各種舞蹈的基本舞步和如何 運用不同音樂配合舞蹈。 課程有四個單元:(一)舞蹈入門及踢躂舞(二)爵士舞(三) 現代舞(四)Hip Hop舞 HK$13,500 1年 資歷架構級別:2 資歷名冊登記號碼:15/002084/L2 資歷名冊登記有效期:2015年4月23日 - 持續有效 達克羅士音樂教學法初探 課程編號:MUSI9156 S 3762 0094 達克羅士認為將身體變成一種樂器是產生對音樂的穩固而生動的印象的最好的方 法。達克羅士音樂教學法指通過運動教學音樂概念,從而培養孩子對音樂表達法的 綜合的自然的感受。達爾克羅茲法包括三個同樣重要的要素:體態律動、視唱練耳 和即興音樂活動。 HK$2,560 8個星期 故事寫在劇本/歌詞/小說裡 課程編號:MUSI9154 S 3762 0094 本課程目標有三方面; 向學員傳授寫作各類劇本、歌詞及小說等知識和技巧; 透 過文字創作,給予參加者表達自我的機會並加強他們說故事的技巧;鼓勵有志投身 相關創意工業的學員踏出第一步,追尋及實現屬於自己的創作夢。 HK$2,880 8個星期 音樂背後的數學 課程編號:MUSI9155 S 3762 0054 音樂是抽象藝術,數學是抽象科學。這兩門學科看似屬於不同的範疇:有喜歡數學 的人同時欣賞音樂,亦有喜歡音樂的人非常害怕數學。實際上,音樂和數學並非全 不相關:數學其實可以幫助我們理解音樂的概念和邏輯真理,從而使我們能夠更懂 得欣賞音樂的美。 本課程著重討論與音樂息息相關的物理和數學概念,包括八度等價和模算術、音程和 對數數學、調音、和聲和有理數、等律和指數、音調和三角學、泛音和傅立葉理論等。 HK$1,440 6個星期 樂理(ABRSM六至八級) 課程編號:MUSI9009 S 3762 0094 本課程按 ABRSM 之六至八級理論考試範圍編排。此乃音樂愛好者、聲樂及樂器學 習者、合唱團員等必修的課程,可幫助增強學習及欣賞音樂能力。 *學員上課請帶 備 In Preparation For The Theory Exams, Lee Ching Ching, Rhythm MP。 HK$5,250 27個星期 Postgraduate Diploma in Music (Piano Pedagogy and Performance) Programme Code: PE037A The programme aims to prepare students to achieve advanced technical skills and competence as a piano performer and teacher. In addition to providing specialised training for students to improve their performance in piano playing, the curriculum also drills on students’ pedagogical knowledge and competence in piano teaching so that they can develop a range of teaching approaches when delivering piano lessons. The programme also covers research techniques and methods for students’ future pursuit of research. HK$48,000 Application Fee: HK$200 1 year Level 6 (Reg. No.: 21/000141/L6) Validity Period: 01 Mar 2021 - on-going Certificate for Module (Advanced Piano Pedagogy) Programme Code: PE046A This programme provides students with the opportunity to acquire advanced piano teaching skills by training them to develop their own teaching philosophies and methodologies as professional piano teachers. Topics on teaching methodologies, issues on private and group teaching, piano repertoire lists, studio policy and business will be covered. Observations on private and group studio teaching will be included in the programme. HK$12,000 40 hours Level 6 (Reg. No.: 21/000537/L6) Validity Period: 01 Aug 2021 - on-going Certificate for Module (Advanced Piano Technique and Performance Practice) Programme Code: PE047A This programme serves as a platform for students to share their musical experiences and knowledge through performing during the lessons. It provides students with an opportunity to perform in front of an audience (the whole class), and receive feedback and suggestions from the lecturer and other guest lecturers. The recital opportunity will further enhance students’ skills and musicianship, broaden their repertoire knowledge, and develop their interpretational abilities. HK$19,600 per module 35 hours Level 6 (Reg. No.: 21/000538/L6) Validity Period: 01 Aug 2021 - on-going Certificate for Module (Keyboard Repertoire: From the Baroque to the 20th Century) Programme Code: PE045A The programme explores representative solo keyboard repertoire from the Baroque period to the 20th century, ranging from the elementary to advanced levels (ABRSM Grade 3 to diploma level). Special attention will be given to stylistic distinction in representative keyboard works in relation to the sociocultural context in which the music was created and performed. HK$12,000 40 hours Level 6 (Reg. No.: 21/000539/L6) Validity Period: 01 Aug 2021 - on-going 3762 0054