072 This is an exempted course under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,本課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,這些課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認這些課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 The course operator is applying for exemption under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 課程主辦人正根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》辦理豁免註冊手續。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 Accounting & Finance 會計及金融 Investment Management 投資管理 證書(單元:外匯、衍生工具、結構性產品及 對沖基金交易策略) 課程編號:FN034A 報名代碼:2185-FN034A 2867 8322 近年金融市場瞬息萬變,環球經濟充斥著很多不穩定因素,投資者要於日趨複雜的 投資市場獲利,便須進一步了解各種投資產品,並運用不同的交易策略以增加投資 回報及避險。 本課程除包含股票、外匯、衍生產品及對冲基金的投資理論外,更引 用不同實例講解複雜的交易策略,務求以深入淺出的方法讓學員掌握不同市况的投 資策略。 申請人必須: - a) 於香港中學會考獲5科E級,包括於中國語文科(2007年或以前);或 b) 於香港中學會考獲4科E級及中國語文科第2級(2007年或以後);或 - 於香港中學文憑考試獲5科第2級,包括中國語文科。 申請人如持有其他同等學歷及21歲以上或擁有3年相關工作經驗者將會作個別考慮。 HK$5,400 3個月 粵語輔以英語 證書(單元:金融技術及趨勢分析) 課程編號:FN033A 報名代碼:2135-FN033A 2867 8322 近年金融市場瞬息萬變,環球經濟充斥著很多不穩定因素,投資者要於日趨複雜的 投資市場獲利,便須進一步了解各種投資產品,並運用不同的交易策略以增加投資 回報及避險。 本課程除包含股票、外匯、衍生產品及對冲基金的投資理論外,更引 用不同實例講解複雜的交易策略,務求以深入淺出的方法讓學員掌握不同市况的投 資策略。 申請人必須: - a) 於香港中學會考獲5科E級,包括於中國語文科(2007年或以前);或 b) 於香港中學會考獲4科E級及中國語文科第2級(2007年或以後);或 - 於香港中學文憑考試獲5科第2級,包括中國語文科。 申請人如持有其他同等學歷及21歲以上或擁有3年相關工作經驗者將會作個別考慮。 HK$4,100 3個月 粵語輔以英語 資歷架構級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:15/002755/L3 資歷名冊登記有效期:2015年7月24日 - 持續有效 Certificate for Module (Introduction to Financial Time Series Analysis) Programme Code: FN062A Application Code: 2075-FN062A 2520 4612 The programme aims to provide students with elementary knowledge of time series analysis for financial data. It introduces basic time series models, models and tests for long-run relationships, volatility models and simultaneous equation models. Computational tools will be used to analyze time series and build financial models. This programme is suitable for students to prepare for postgraduate studies in finance and investment disciplines. HK$7,600 5 weeks Level 5 (Reg. No.: 21/000427/L5) Validity Period: 01 Jul 2021 - on-going Certificate for Module (Merger and Acquisition Series: Business Valuation and Financing) Programme Code: FN087A Application Code: 2165-FN087A 2867 8476 The programme is designed to provide students with an understanding of the methods of business valuation. It will provide an overviewof the financing process. Students will learn the pros and cons of using financial ratios to evaluate a business deal. Financial processes and techniques such as merger and acquisitions, in itial public offers, leveraged buy-outs, corporate restructuring and reorganisation and liquidation will be discussed. At the end of the programme, students are expected to know how to interpret the financial statements and review shortcomings of capital budgeting tools. Applicants shall hold: (i) a relevant bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized university or equivalent; or (ii) a relevant Associate Degree / Higher Diploma or equivalent, and have at least 2 years of related work experience. Applicants with other qualifications will be considered on individual merit. HK$9,000 Application Fee: HK$150 30 hours English Level 5 (Reg. No.: 22/000833/L5) Validity Period: 01 Nov 2022 - on-going Certificate for Module (Merger and Acquisition Series: Due Diligence, Tax and Accounting Issues) Programme Code: FN086A Application Code: 2135-FN086A 2867 8476 The programme is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire merger and acquisition process, with particular focus on important issues related to accounting and taxation such as consolidation issues and fair value measurement. Students will also be introduced to different aspects of due diligence in the M&A process, such as red flags, due diligence programme structure and parties involved, so that they can prepare the due diligence report at the end of the programme. Applicants shall hold: (i) a relevant bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized university or equivalent; or (ii) a relevant Associate Degree / Higher Diploma or equivalent, and have at least 2 years of related work experience. Applicants with other qualifications will be considered on individual merit. HK$9,000 Application Fee: HK$150 30 hours English Level 5 (Reg. No.: 22/000834/L5) Validity Period: 01 Nov 2022 - on-going