004 We are HKU SPACE “Lifelong Learning for a Better Future” 我們是HKU SPACE 「終身學習開創更美好未來」 In fulfilling the mission of The University of Hong Kong in extending lifelong learning opportunities for the community, HKU SPACE aspires to be a world-class centre of excellence for the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong and the region. 為完成香港大學致力為社會開拓終身學習機會的使命,香港 大學專業進修學院矢志成為一所領導國際的教育機構,為香 港以至亞太地區提供專業而優質的持續教育。 OUR VISION • 願景 • C ollaborate with the University and other institutions locally and globally in expanding lifelong learning opportunities for personal development, academic progression and professional and career advancement • E ngage with stakeholders to deliver high quality education and training programmes to meet the needs of society in Hong Kong and the region • B e a strong advocate of lifelong learning for all to realise an educated citizenry and quality of life • E xcel in the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong and the region • F oster strategic partnerships locally and globally to promote international outlook and opportunities • 聯 同香港大學、本地及海外機構,開拓終身學習機會,以 助提升個人、學業、專業及事業方面的發展 • 與 不同界別的持份者攜手合作,了解本港以至亞太地區的 人才需求,提供卓越的教育及培訓 • 推動終身學習,實現具公民學養及生活優裕的社會 • 提 供優質教育,服務本地以至亞太地區社群 • 促進與本地及全球策略伙伴合作,放眼國際,開拓機遇 OUR MISSION • 使命 • Supportive of our learners, our staff and our partners • Pioneering new initiatives and passionate for change • Accountable to stakeholders with professionalism and integrity • Creative and innovative in teaching and learning • Excellent in the quality of what we do to serve our communities • 全 力支持學員、同事及合作伙伴 • 敢 於開拓、奮發求進 • 勇 於承擔,以專業至誠的態度向持份者負責 • 致 力創新,達致教學相長 • 卓 越超群,以優質教學服務社會 OUR VALUES • 信念 About the School 有關學院