003 William K. M. Lee 李經文 Director 院長 Message from the Director 院長序言 I am pleased to report that the new HKU SPACE Kowloon West Campus (KWC) - the 11th Centre of the School was officially opened on 10 March 2023. The School’s mission has always been to bring adult education to the wider community. Accessibility has always been a paramount consideration, and hence the identification of appropriate premises with convenient transport links has featured consistently in our strategic planning. Since 1957, the School has opened 10 learning centres all over Hong Kong and Kowloon. This KWC centre further expands and extends our presence in Kowloon West – an increasingly vibrant district in the City. The Campus is located on the 5/F and 12/F , 888 Lai Chi Kok Road, adjacent to the Lai Chi Kok MTR Station. Yet again, this affords the School’s faculty, staff and students the greatest convenience for their daily commuting. KWC is specifically designed to embrace sustainable practices so that we can ensure that the School leads the way in corporate environmental responsibility while at the same time delivering a modern campus. The campus includes an Enrolment Centre, 9 classrooms of various sizes, a state-of-the-art special room, 2 computer labs, 3 student common rooms, a teacher and student discussion room, a DIY E-Learning room, and a sick room, etc., providing a better learning environment for the students. In order to develop more food & beverage-related programmes, and to educate the community in how to appreciate a wide range of beverages with food for both professional and social purposes, we have developed a state-of-the-art special room. It has been designed as a professional grade “life kitchen” that simulates a real-life environment of a café and wine bar scene. It houses advanced equipment such as espresso machines, coffee grinders, glass chillers and so on. Programmes in wine, spirits, sake, coffee, cocktails, craft beers, wine and food pairing, etc., will be delivered in this room. I am also happy to announce that HKU SPACE was awarded the ASIIN institutional accreditation seal as a follow up to its International Quality Review (IQR) which assessed the School against the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in October 2021. The German Agency, the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) confirms that HKU SPACE fulfils the institutional, procedural and cultural requirements for good teaching and successful learning. The experts commended that “HKU SPACE's institutional leadership is particularly strong, and the institution is procedurally rigorous.” As a further part of our international benchmarking, we hosted the second International Conference on Quality and Self-financed Higher Education ‘Connecting Local and Global’ on 11 March 2023. Leaders from overseas and local education circles were invited as guest speakers to share their experience of and prospects for transnational education which attracted over 200 participants both physically and virtually across several time zones. As a pioneer in continuing education, the School marked another milestone by introducing Microcredentials in April to better serve the community. Microcredentials are a world-wide trend to offer learners short, standalone courses that are relevant to careers and professions or indeed purely for general interest. Learners can accumulate credits to earn a certificate or diploma. In order to provide more flexibility for our learners, close to 150 programmes were launched in the first phase. More details can be found at Finally, the School has again won the “Sing Tao Excellent Services Brand Award – Best Continuing Education Services Provider” for the 16th consecutive year, and the “Platinum Trustmark Award” in the Continuing Education Category at the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Awards for the 10th consecutive year. These external recognitions of our efforts are much appreciated. I would also like to conclude that this is the last printed version of our Prospectus which has a history of some 68 years. Nevertheless, in keeping with being conscious of our environmental impact and the now widespread use of online technology, we have concluded that disseminating our offerings via our website and social media can serve the purposes of communication and reduce the consumption of paper. I encourage you therefore to consult our website ( on a regular basis to find the courses that will interest you and/or help you to progress in your career. 我欣然向大家報告,香港大學專業進修學院第11所教學中心 — 九龍 西分校於2023年3月10日隆重開幕。 一直以來,學院致力將持續教育帶到更廣泛社區作為辦學使命,地理 位置是我們的首要考慮因素。因此,在學院的策略規劃中,交通便利 是我們對教學中心選址的一貫要求。自1957年創校以來,學院在香港 和九龍地區已開設了10間教學中心,為大眾提供最便利的學習機會。 九龍西分校的開幕,進一步擴大及延伸了學院在這日漸興旺的地區的 發展。新校園位於荔枝角道888號5樓及12樓,毗鄰荔枝角港鐵站, 交通配套完善,同樣為教職員和學生日常往來帶來最大程度的方便。 九龍西分校以擁抱可持續發展作為設計理念,確保學院在提供現代化 校園的同時,也能履行企業環保責任。分校設施完善,包括報名中 心、九個不同面積的課室、一個設備先進的特別室、兩個電腦室、三 個學生休息室、一個教師及學生講談室、一個自助電子教學室及一個 醫護室等,為學生提供最佳的學習環境。 為了開拓更多與餐飲相關的課程,並指導大眾在專業與社交場合中如 何欣賞各種飲料與美食的搭配,我們精心打造了一間設備先進的特別 教室,並仿照現實生活中咖啡室及酒吧氛圍,設計成專業級的「生活 廚房」,設有意式咖啡機、咖啡磨豆機、玻璃製冷器等,主力支援葡萄 酒、烈酒、清酒、咖啡、雞尾酒、手工啤酒、餐酒與美食搭配等課程。 同時,我很榮幸地宣佈,學院榮獲德國工程、信息科學、自然科學和 數學專業認證機構(ASIIN)頒授機構認證標誌。2021年10月,ASIIN 根據歐洲高等教育區質素保證標準和指引,為學院進行國際學術質素 評審,確認學院在機構、程序及文化方面,已達到良好教學及成功學 習的要求。專家讚揚,「香港大學專業進修學院在機構領導層面尤其優 秀,而且在執行上嚴謹縝密」。ASIIN特向學院頒授機構認標誌,進一 步認可學院的學術質素。 作為國際基準參照工作的另一部分,我們於2023年3月11日舉辦 了第二屆國際性研討會International Conference on Quality and Selffinanced Higher Education“Connecting Local and Global”,邀請海外 及本地教育界具領導地位的嘉賓講者,分享他們對跨國教育的經驗和 展望。研討會吸引了超過200名來自不同時區的人士現場及網上參與。 作為持續教育的先驅,學院在四月正式引入微證書,為社會帶來更多 元的學習機會,亦為學院發展樹立新的里程碑。微證書是一股全球 新趨勢,為學員提供與職業及專業以至一般興趣相關的短期、獨立課 程。學員可累積學分以獲得證書或文憑資格。學院在首階段推出近 150個微證書課程,讓學員可按個人需要靈活選擇。更多詳情可瀏覽。 在2022/23年度,學院十分榮幸連續第16年獲得《星島日報》「星鑽服 務大獎—最佳持續進修教育學府」服務大獎,以及連續第10年獲得《讀 者文摘》「持續進修機構類別信譽品牌白金獎」。我們在教育方面的努 力廣獲認可及肯定,實在令人欣喜。 作為此課程手冊的總結,這將是最後一個印刷版本,完成了它68年的 歷史使命。 然而,考慮到對環境的影響及網絡科技的廣泛使用,我們決定透過學 院網站及社交平台來推廣課程,以達到與大眾溝通的目的,同時亦可 減少紙張的消耗。 我誠意希望各位定期瀏覽我們的網站(,以查 閱您感興趣或能幫助您在事業上取得進展的課程。