日語入門 課程編號:JAPN9003 3762 0820 jolang@hkuspace.hku 本課程由認識字母發音及日常生活上的客套話開始,通過學習基本名詞句、形容詞 學前五天,請到報名處先繳付課本費用及取回收據,憑收據可在首四節課堂內領取 HK$4,800 共40講,120小時 學員請在上課前5天先購買課本,詳情請瀏覽學院網站(關鍵字:日語入門),或到各報名中心 香港區 報名代碼 日期╱時間 1340-1234NW 逢周一,6:45pm – 9:45pm 1340-1456NW 逢周二,6:45pm – 9:45pm 1340-1459NW 逢周三,6:45pm – 9:45pm Advanced Certificate in Human Biochemistry and Physiology Programme Code: HS005A 2975 5878 This programme is designed to enable degree holders without a background in biochemistry/physiology to undertake the BSc (Hons) Food and Nutrition (HS 37805-00)/PgD/MSc in Human Nutrition (HS 37-803-00) offered by HKU SPACE in collaboration with the University of Ulster. This programme is also one of the bridging courses required by non-degree holders who wish to enter the BSc (Hons) in Human Nutrition Programme and the final year BSc (Hons) in Food and Nutrition programme at Ulster University, UK. Taught modules include: 1345-1965AW Basic Human Physiology 1345-1562AW Principles of Human Biochemistry 1350-1892AW Laboratory Practical in Human Biochemistry and Physiology Advanced Certificate in Life Coaching Programme Code: CS032A Application Code: 1245-CS032A 2975 5655 This programme is specially designed for those who are interested in acquiring knowledge in the key areas of counselling. The modules will provide students with a general understanding of the discipline and training in basic counselling skills. – A recognised bachelor’s degree in any discipline; or – An associate degree, higher diploma or advanced diploma; or – An equivalent sub-degree award with some working experience. HK$15,000; Application fee: HK$150 (Non-refundable) 1.5 years minimum, 3 years maximum Tue and Thur, 6:45pm – 9:45pm; Sat, 2:00pm – 6:00pm English supplemented with Cantonese 時裝繪圖初階 課程編號:DESF9002 報名代碼:1355-1454NW 3762 0082 本課程介紹時裝設計手繪圖的技巧,教授學員繪畫頭及人體,並以不同媒介去表 達時裝設計的概念。 適合初學者 HK$2,160 共8講 逢周三,7:00pm – 10:00pm 港島東分校1301室 吳青海,MA PolyU HK 粵語,輔以英文教材 名額:24人 開課日期 15年11月18日 Application Code 報名代碼 Programme/Course Title 課程名稱 Part I 甲部:Application Details 報讀課程資料 (Applicable to both NEW To apply for a programme, please copy the application code of your intended programme/course selection to the application for enrolment form. You may find it under the programme/course title, or inside the programme/course blurb. 申請報讀課程,請找出課程對應的報名代碼,並填寫於報名表內。報名代碼會因應不同情況,載於課程名稱的下方或在課程資料內。 Type I : Application for a Single Short Course 第一類:報讀某個短期課程 (Hint: the application code is under the course title) ( 提示:報名代碼顯示於課程名稱之下 ) Type III : Multiple Classes Available under a Programme / Course 第三類:課程下有多於一個班別 (Hint: select the application code beside the class) (提示: 選擇在班別旁的報名代碼) Type II : Application for a Single Award-bearing Programme 第二類:報讀某個學銜課程 (Hint: the application code is under the programme title) ( 提示:報名代碼顯示於課程名稱之下 ) Type IV : Application for a Course under a Programme 第四類:報讀課程下的某個科目 (Hint: select the application code beside the course title) (提示: 選擇在科目名稱旁的報名代碼) Guideline on Filling in the “Application Code” in the Application for Enrolment SF26 Form 填寫SF26報名表內「報名代碼」指引 P.6