243 For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.017) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 031 圖像說明於第031頁 Marketing 市場營銷學 證書(單元 :奢侈品市場及投資) 課程編號:MK092A 報名代碼:2165-MK092A 2867 8313 本課程透過了解奢侈品的歷史、文化及市場分析,讓學員明白各類奢侈品的特色和 品牌,分析其收藏價值、行業趨勢和前瞻。透過教授相關的知識和實例分享,學員 能夠因應家族辦公室的高端客戶需要,策劃更佳的奢侈品買賣和投資。 申請人應持有副學士學位/高級文憑或同等學歷。 申請人如持有其他同等學歷;或21歲以上及擁有三年理財及財富管理相關工作經驗者,學院 將會作個別考慮。 HK$7,500 報名費用:HK$150 30小時 粵語輔以英語 資歷架構級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:23/000237/L3 資歷名冊登記有效期:2023年4月1日 - 持續有效 High Horology Certification Programme Programme Code: MKTG9179 S 2867 8313 This programme aims to discover and deepen understand of the fine watchmaking industry, prepare to enter the watch and jewellery industry and get the FHH Watch Advisor Certification recognition and become a true watch connoisseur. HK$8,500 1 month High Horology Specialist Certification Programme Programme Code: MKTG9202 S 2867 8313 The High Horology Specialist Certification Programme is the second level certification offered by FHH. It is targeting at the fine watchmaking enthusiasts and/or practitioners who are also holders of the first level FHH certification (Watch Essentials or Watch Advisor). HK$8,900 1 month Executive Workshop “Rise and Fall of Gemstones” Programme Code: MKTG9215 S Application Code: 2145-2739NW 2867 8313 This course is an overview of the commercial environment of the jewellery industry through the historical stories of gemstones. Participants will learn the historical factors that cause the rise and fall of gemstones like diamond, ruby, sapphire, emeralds, and more. Knowing these history and stories would help participants understand why some origins and/or trade names cost more than the others. In a broad level, participants would appreciate the dig-to-wear cycle of major gemstones. HK$4,200 Group Rate : HK$3,600 (Group of 2 or above) 9 hours Cantonese, suppl with teaching materials in Eng Executive Workshop “Art Market, Trading, and Collectibles” Programme Code: MKTG9213 S 2867 8313 Technology not only creates more possibilities for artists, but it also brings tremendous opportunities for the art industry including the art market. For Hong Kong, despite the challenges faced by the territory in the past two years, Hong Kong has now overtaken London as the second-biggest contemporary art auction market in the world after New York. ArtTech is therefore a blue ocean that poses great potential for Hong Kong to flourish and thrive in the global art scene. HK$4,200 Group Rate: HK$3,600 (Group of 2 or above) 9 hours 行政人員證書《珠寶營銷》 課程編號:EP127A 2867 8313 本課程旨在教授學員珠寶行業的專業營銷理論及實踐知識。課程內容包括寶石學, 行業宏觀營商環境,奢侈品消費者行為學,客戶關係管理,品牌策略,及商業運營 分析。 HK$7,300 早鳥優惠/二人同行優惠:HK$7,000 報名費用:HK$150 2個月 Retail, Fashion and Luxury Brand Management 零售、時裝及奢侈品品牌管理