023 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE General Matters 一般事項 Classroom conduct – Unauthorised reservation of seats is not permitted. – Eating or drinking is not allowed. – All mobile phones and pagers are to be turned off. – Smoking is prohibited at all HKU SPACE learning centres and the University campus. – No video/audio recording is allowed, except with the permission of the Programme Director/Manager, and is subject to any conditions stipulated when such permission is granted. – Personal belongings should not be left unattended. 課室守則 – 未經授權,不可預留座位。 – 課室內不准飲食。 – 上課時必須關掉手提電話及傳呼機。 – 學校及大學範圍內嚴禁吸煙。 – 除非已獲有關課程主任或助理課程主任批准,否則學員不得於課堂時錄 音或錄影;即使已獲批准,亦須依循學院的要求進行。 – 小心看管個人財物。 Requests for Checking of Examination and Assessment Results In accordance with University policy, there is no appeal against the results of examination and any other written form of assessment which contributes to 50% or more of the overall result. Nevertheless, if student queries on their results are received, Programme Staff will check, on such request, to ensure that there are no “mechanical” errors, i.e. that the arithmetic is correct, that all pages have been marked and included, etc. Any student request for checking must be made within one month of publication of results and a charge (currently HK$200) will be imposed, while the Community College requires students to make application within 7 days from the release date of the results with a charge of HK$500. For part-time programmes, the fee will be refunded if a change is made in the final grade to rectify an error identified in the re-checking, otherwise the fee is nonrefundable. For the Community College, the fee will be refunded only if there is an upward change in the final grade. Students will be informed of the result of the check within three weeks of the request. Different policies may apply on programmes which are conducted in collaboration with overseas academic institutions. For the Community College there are some courses in collaboration with HKU where different arrangements may apply. Such checking is not and does not entail academic re-assessment of the materials or coursework presented by the students. In other words, appeal against the academic judgement of the examiners will not be entertained. 申請覆核考試成績及其他評核結果 根據大學政策,學院不設機制處理對考試和其他任何佔總成績50%或以上的 書面形式的評核結果提出的上訴。如考生對自己的成績有所懷疑,可要求課 程職員覆核分數,確保沒有「計算上」的錯誤(即計算準確,答卷所有頁數皆 已評分)。考生須於考試成績公布後一個月內要求學院覆核分數,並繳交覆核 費用(現為港幣200元正)。附屬學院則要求考生於成績公布後七天內提出有 關要求,覆核費用為港幣 500 元正。如發現分數計算有誤,影響兼讀制課程 考生的最終評核等級,費用將退還給考生,否則所繳費用概不退還。至於附 屬學院的覆核費用之退還,只適用於覆核後考生的最終評核等級獲提升的情 況。考生將於申請後三星期內獲通知有關覆核結果。與海外學術機構合辦之 課程的相關政策或略有不同,而附屬學院與香港大學本部合辦之課程亦可能 有不同安排。 此覆核不代表學員的答卷或其他所提交的習作會得到重新評核。換言之,對 於考試主任的學術判斷所提出的上訴,學院一概不會受理。 Statement of Attendance/Achievement If a programme does not carry a formal academic award, the School will issue a Statement of Attendance within three months of the end of the course to participants achieving 70% class attendance. A Statement of Achievement will be issued to a participant who has completed a non-award bearing programme with an assessment component and achieved a passing grade. A replacement copy of the Statement of Attendance/Achievement can be issued upon request. An applicant should send a stamped self-addressed envelope and a crossed cheque of HK$30 made payable to “HKU SPACE” to the School. The School is not responsible for any lost correspondence in the post. 修讀證明書/結業證明書 學院將在非學歷資格課程完結後三個月內,發出修讀證明書予出席率達百分 之七十或以上的學員。 如學員完成設有考核機制的非學歷資格課程並取得合格成績,將獲發結業證 明書。 學院可按要求發出修讀證明書/結業證明書副本。申請人可將已付郵費的回郵 信封連同港幣元的劃線支票(抬頭註明「香港大學專業進修學院」)寄回。如有 郵遞失誤,學院概不負責。 Transcripts Students may request a transcript after completion of a programme carrying a formal award. A non-refundable application fee is required. Please approach the relevant programme staff. Different policies may apply on non-local programmes which are conducted in collaboration with overseas academic institutions. 學歷成績單 學員如修畢學歷資格課程,可向學院申請學歷成績單。有關申請費用不獲退 還,詳情可與有關課程負責人聯絡。至於與海外學術機構合辦的非本地課 程,則可能有不同的個別安排。 Replacement of award certificates The School Academic Award Certificate is a unique document. In accordance with University policy and under normal circumstances, no duplicate will be issued. In case of the loss of or damage to an original certificate, or when there is a legal name change, please refer to the “Regulations Governing the Issue of Replacement Award Certificates” obtainable from any HKU SPACE Learning Centre for the relevant procedures. For the Community College, students can refer to the application form “Application for Replacement of Certificate” which is available at the College Office. A replacement fee is required for each certificate. Different policies may apply on non-local programmes which are conducted in collaboration with overseas academic institutions. 補發學歷證明書 學歷證明書為重要文件,根據大學政策,除非正本遺失、損壞或姓名已作合 法更改,否則在一般情況下不會發出副本。有關手續請於教學中心索取「補發 學歷證書條款」作參考。此外,附屬學院學員可向附屬學院辦公室另行索取 「申請補發證書」表格。補發每份證書需付費用。此外,與海外學術機構合辦 的非本地課程則按個別學術機構安排,申請手續亦可能有分別。 Feedback Feedback from students is highly valued and plays an important role in monitoring and improving the quality of the programmes and services offered by the School. If students would like to convey feedback about our programmes or services, the first point of contact should be the Programme Leader of the respective programme. Students are also welcome to complete the Online Feedback Form for Students. Feedback received will be handled by relevant staff, and a reply will be made as soon as possible. All cases are handled in strict confidence and will not affect students’ assessment results in any way. 意見反映 本學院一向注重與學員的溝通,從而檢討並提高課程及服務的質素。學員如 對課程或服務有任何意見、嘉許或投訴,可先向其課程統籌主任反映,亦可 透過學院網頁內的學員網上意見表格,傳遞意見給本學院。意見會傳達予有 關職員處理,並盡快作出回覆。所有個案將保密處理,絕不會因此影響學員 的成績評核。 Complaints Should feedback lead to complaints this will be handled first at the Programme level. More serious cases will be referred to the College Head / Deputy Director (Academic Services) and if still unresolved, the School’s Complaints Committee may be convened. 投訴 如果意見反映引申至投訴事項,首先由課程部處理。較嚴重個案將轉交教學 部門總監/常務副院長(學務)處理,需要時交由投訴委員會處理。