For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.017) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 031 圖像說明於第031頁 215 Languages 語言 European 歐洲語言 Certificate in German (Introductory) Programme Code: EU002A 2975 5681 The programme is aimed at students with no previous or little knowledge of the language. It covers a range of everyday topics and situations and includes a balance of all four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), as well as practice on key grammar points, vocabulary and pronunciation relevant to the level. By the end of the programme, students should be able to understand and use basic everyday phrases to introduce themselves, ask and answer questions about personal details. They will also learn language to deal with everyday situations like shopping, eating out, talking about their jobs, families and interests. Applicants shall have: - no previous or little knowledge of the language; and - sufficient English proficiency to follow simple explanations in English. HK$9,150 40 weeks More details German supplemented with a little English where necessary for explanation. Level 2 (Reg. No.: 14/003518/L2) Validity Period: 20 Oct 2014 - on-going Certificate in German (Intermediate) Programme Code: EU003A 2975 5681 This programme can be taken upon successful completion of the Certificate in German (Introductory) or an equivalent programme of 110-130 hours. It enables students to consolidate their language foundation and build on their grammar. As a result, students will feel increasingly confident in their communicative ability. By the end of the programme, students should be able to talk about topics such as families and friends, leisure activities, food and drink, past and future situations. They should also be able to understand the main ideas when listening and reading. They can also write simple texts, e.g. postcards and emails. Applicants shall have: - (a) obtained the Certificate in German (Introductory), awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE; or (b) studied approximately 110-130 hours of German at a different institution; and - sufficient English proficiency to follow simple explanations in English. Other applicants may be interviewed if necessary to confirm their suitability for the programme, e.g. if they have studied a similar number of hours elsewhere or have alternative experience learning the language, such as a study visit to the country. In the absence of the evidence listed in (a) & (b), students should contact HKU SPACE before the application deadline for further information. HK$9,550 40 weeks German supplemented with a little English where necessary for explanation. Level 2 (Reg. No.: 14/003519/L2) Validity Period: 20 Oct 2014 - on-going Certificate in German (Upper Intermediate) Programme Code: EU001A 2975 5681 This programme can be taken upon successful completion of the Certificate in German (Intermediate) or an equivalent programme of 230-250 hours. It continues to build upon the language already acquired, adding grammar and practising it in simple discussions, role-plays and group work, so that students can talk with confidence about the past, present and future. By the end of this programme, students should be able to express simple opinions and feelings in the language. They should also be able to read information from simple ads and to write texts on familiar topics using a range of verb tenses. Applicants shall have: (a) i) obtained the Certificate in German (Intermediate), awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE; or ii) studied approximately 230-250 hours of German at a different institution; and (b) sufficient English proficiency to follow simple explanations in English. Other applicants may be interviewed if necessary to confirm their suitability for the programme, e.g. if they have studied a similar number of hours elsewhere or have alternative experience learning the language, such as a study visit to the country. In the absence of the evidence listed in (a), students should contact HKU SPACE before the application deadline for further information. HK$10,100 40 weeks German supplemented with a little English where necessary for explanation. Level 2 (Reg. No.: 14/003517/L2) Validity Period: 20 Oct 2014 - on-going Certificate in German (Advanced) Programme Code: EU022A 2975 5695 This programme can be taken upon successful completion of the Certificate in German (Upper Intermediate) or an equivalent programme of 350-370 hours. Students will practise their speaking skills, expressing opinions on culture, sport, food & drink, current affairs, local events, holidays & the world today. They will read and react to authentic texts, making comments in both the spoken and written forms. Students will also listen to songs and recordings of native speakers such as public announcements and detailed instructions. By the end of the programme, students should be able to talk about various topics in a more detailed and fluent way , write different types of texts regarding more abstract and cultural matters, summarise the main ideas when listening to clear speeches or reading a wide range of texts. Applicants shall have: (a) i) obtained the Certificate in German (Upper Intermediate), awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE; or ii) studied approximately 350-370 hours of German at a different institution; and (b) sufficient English proficiency to follow simple explanations in English. Other applicants may be interviewed if necessary to confirm their suitability for the programme, e.g. if they have studied a similar number of hours elsewhere or have alternative experience learning the language, such as a study visit to the country. In the absence of the evidence listed in (a), students should contact HKU SPACE before the application deadline for further information. HK$10,100 40 weeks German supplemented with a little English where absolutely necessary for explanation. Level 2 (Reg. No.: 16/000265/L2) Validity Period: 07 Apr 2016 - on-going Advanced German Language Practice Programme Code: GERM9002 S 2975 5681 This course is designed to cater for advanced-level students who have completed all the HKU SPACE German levels or equivalent elsewhere and who wish to keep practising the language in an interactive class environment, whilst at the same time learning more about the culture of the German-speaking world. Students will engage with authentic texts from magazines, newspapers, songs, TV, films and so on through discussion and group work. They will, as a result, improve their oral communication skills and also their range of vocabulary. There will be a relaxed and supportive learning environment and the course is not exam-based. - Applicants should have completed the Certificate in German (Advanced) at HKU SPACE or studied around 480 hours of German and provide a copy of Certificate/ Statement of Attendance to demonstrate this. - In the absence of such evidence, external applicants should contact us for further information. Some students may be interviewed to determine their proficiency level. - External applicants would be expected to have completed a minimum of B1+ level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. HK$5,300 20 weeks German supplemented with a little English where necessary for explanation.