For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.017) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 031 圖像說明於第031頁 211 Languages 語言 European 歐洲語言 European Language Courses Award-bearing Courses Short Courses Other Short Courses Advanced Spanish Language Practice 1 - 3 (60 hours each) Advanced French Language Practice 1 & 2 (60 hours each) Advanced Italian Language Practice 1 & 2 (60 hours each) Advanced German Language Practice 1 - 6 (60 hours each) Beginners’ Spanish 3 & 4 (30 hours each) Beginners’ Portuguese 3 & 4 (30 hours each) Certificate in French / Spanish / Italian / German / Portuguese (Advanced) (120 hours) Other Languages • Beginners’ Arabic 1 – 4 (30 hours each) • Beginners’ Greek 1 – 3 (30 hours each) • Beginners’ Latin 1 – 3 (30 hours each) • Beginners' Latin IV (30 hours) • Beginners’ Polish 1 – 4 (30 hours each) • Beginners’ Russian 1 – 4 (30 hours each) • Beginners’ Swedish 1 & 2 (30 hours each) • Intermediate Portuguese 1 & 2 (30 hours each) • Intermediate Arabic 1 & 2 (30 hours each) Exam Preparation Courses • Preparation for DELE Examination Level A1 (12 hours) • Preparation for DELE Examination Level A2 (12 hours) • Preparation for TCF (A1) (6 hours) Certificate in French / Spanish / Italian / German / Portuguese (Upper Intermediate) (120 hours) Certificate in French / Spanish / Italian / German / Portuguese (Intermediate) (120 hours) Beginners’ Portuguese 2 Beginners’ French 2 Beginners’ Spanish 2 (30 hours each) French for Travel 2 Spanish for Travel 2 Italian for Travel 2 German for Travel 2 (30 hours each) Certificate in French / Spanish / Italian / German / Portuguese (Introductory) (120 hours) Beginners’ Portuguese Beginners’ Italian Beginners’ French Beginners’ Spanish Beginners’ German (30 hours each) French for Travel Spanish for Travel Italian for Travel German for Travel (30 hours each) There are prerequisites for some courses; please attach a copy of relevant Certificate or Statement of Attendance from previous courses to your application. In the absence of such evidence, applicants will be assessed through a phone interview in the target language. Please contact us for more information. Award-bearing courses start twice per year (autumn & spring). They last 120 hours. The Class meets once a week in general. Complete beginners start at Introductory level, then proceed to Intermediate, Upper Intermediate & Advanced. Upon the completion of Certificate (Advanced), students can proceed to Advanced Language Practice 1. Short courses offer a casual exposure to the language without examinations. Courses for Advanced Language Practice are offered in autumn & spring while other short courses are offered in Oct, Jan & Apr. Upon completion of Beginners’ 4, students can proceed to Certificate (Intermediate) (120 hours).