For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.017) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 031 圖像說明於第031頁 209 Languages 語言 English 英文 English for Academic Purposes This series focuses on building students' competence for speaking, reading, writing and listening to English in academic settings. Topics include improving writing coherence, giving class presentations, listening to lectures, note-taking, participating in academic discussion, comprehending scholastic texts and genres, summary writing, and developing internet research referencing skills. Upon course completion, students will be equipped with learning strategies for doing well in academic tasks and be able to use English with higher confidence for study purposes. Academic Writing Skills Programme Code: GENG9003 S 2975 5695 This course will help you if you take a degree or diploma course that requires you to produce assignments in English. It will enable you to learn, to write and succeed across college and university curriculums. The course aims to empower you to write clearly, coherently, and concisely and to acquire the academic literacies and discourse conventions applicable to most disciplines in higher education. HK$3,300 15 weeks MY SPACE Online Writing Tutor - Academic English Programme Code: GENG9094 S 2975 5695 This real-time online course aims to prepare students for their academic studies at English-speaking universities where academic writing skills are highly demanding. The course is divided into three stages in which generic academic writing skills are taught in the first stage (6 sessions), students are helped better understand college essay or project requirements in the second part (2 sessions), and personalised advice on students’ essay production is given in the third/final stage (4 sessions). Both the second and third stages are conducted in the form of a one-on-one personal / small group conference. Applicants* should have attained: (1) Level 3 in the HKDSE English Language Examination; or (2) IELTS Band 6 overall; or (3) TOEFL(iBT): 80; or (4) CSE** Level 6; or (5) an equivalent level in an internationally recognised English examination. * Applicants not satisfying the above requirements must pass our admissions assessment. **CSE is short for China’s Standards of English Language Ability. To maximise learning outcome, applicants should, on course registration, attach their admission or offer letter issued by the college/university/institutes to their application form. HK$5,000 12 weeks English English for Teenagers: Speed Writing Programme Code: GENG9097 S 2975 5695 English Speed Writing for HKDSE Students - If you don’t know how to start and what to write - If you don’t know why your composition is always bad - If you can only write a few words for an English composition - If you can’t finish the composition in timed writing sessions If you want to improve your English composition and write fast This course is designed for HKDSE students like you. Secondary 4 to Undergraduate. Please attach copies of relevant proofs to your application. Students under the age of 18 at the time of admission to the School have to submit the signed parent/guardian consent form to the School upon submitting their application and/or before the Programme / Course commences. HK$3,600 8 weeks English SPACE STEM+E(nglish) Series: Coding and Robotics Programme Code: GENG9101 S 3416 6413 This course is an 18-hour science, creative activity and English course which will cover: - The introduction of coding, robotics in the world today. - The construction and programming of the robots. - Learning scientific vocabulary and terminology. - Building discussion and presentation skills. - Heightening listening skills through videos. HK$2,700 6 weeks Learn English Through Current Affairs Programme Code: GENG9067 S 3416 6413 This course aims to improve students’ understanding of and ability to discuss issues of current interest in English. It enables them to improve comprehension of news and documentaries, both written and spoken. Topics cover a wide variety of Hong Kong and international media channels including newspapers, TV, the Internet and podcasts. Students practise and learn discussion and debating skills to capture and convince the audience. Skills learnt will be very useful for taking part in discussions and debates, presenting in school settings, and studying subjects like current issues and liberal studies. HK$2,000 5 weeks British English Elocution for Teachers Programme Code: GENG9100 S 3416 6413 The course is specially designed for teachers who need to pass on their English language knowledge and skills to our children, pillars of tomorrow. Teachers of English Language / Subjects taught in English HK$3,600 8 meetings, 24 hours English