This is an exempted course under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,本課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,這些課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認這些課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 The course operator is applying for exemption under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 課程主辦人正根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》辦理豁免註冊手續。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 088 Architecture, Environment & Housing 建築、房屋及建造環境 Architecture 建築 長者生活:改善家居安全及舒適度的原則 課程編號:ARCH9090 S Application Code: 2265-2273NW 3762 0071 本課程旨在為家中有長者的人士講解改善家居環境的基本原則。 年齡18歲或以上。中學畢業。 適合家中有長者,並且計劃改善長者居住環境的人士。 HK$1,700 4個星期 粵語 Construction, Safety & Built Environment 建造、安全及環境管理 Master of Science in Safety, Health and Environment Programme Code: HB021A Application Code: 2270-HB021A For details, please refer to the common information below. Master of Science in Occupational Hygiene Programme Code: HB010A Application Code: 2270-HB010A For details, please refer to the common information below. The University of Greenwich, UK 2508 8869 These programmes are particularly designed for occupational hygiene, safety and health practitioners. In order to gain these masters degree awards, students must complete a total of six taught courses and one dissertation in their respective specialisation. They are intended to provide knowledge in identifying workplace hazards and developing professional skills for effective decision making on appropriate means of control. Applicants are expected to possess a bachelor’s degree in the physical science discipline awarded by a recognized university. Applicants who are members of an appropriate professional body and have appropriate professional experience may also be considered on an individual basis. All applicants will be expected to demonstrate a proficiency in English such as IELTS with a minimum average score of 6.0 or TOEFL with a minimum score of 550; applicants who do not satisfy the minimum English proficiency requirement may be required to attend an interview or take an English enhancement course. This requirement will not apply to applicants who hold a qualification studied in English at an appropriate level. GBP1,733 per course X 8 courses Registration Fee: HK$1,200 Application Fee: HK$200 2 years to 6 years Master of Science in Project Management International Programme Code: HB020A The University of Greenwich, UK Application Code: 2270-HB020A 2508 8869 This programme is designed for global-thinking built environment professionals to further develope their management and economic capabilities in the construction industry. Applicants are expected to possess a bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized university, equivalent to a UK university 2:1 grade classification undergraduate degree. Applicants who are members of an appropriate professional body and have appropriate professional experience may also be considered on an individual basis. All applicants will be expected to demonstrate a proficiency in English such as IELTS with a minimum average score of 6.0 or TOEFL with a minimum score of 550; applicants who do not satisfy the minimum English proficiency requirement may be required to attend an interview or take an English enhancement course. This requirement will not apply to applicants who hold a qualification studied in English at an appropriate level. Applicants are required to submit a Personal Statement of approximately 300 words. This statement should provide a brief overview of the applicant’s professional background and a self-evaluation of his/her suitability to successfully complete the programme, and demonstrate an understanding of the programme and explain why it is a good fit for his/her goals and aspirations. GBP1,597 per course X 8 courses Registration Fee: HK$1,200, paid once an offer of a place has been accepted. Application Fee: HK$200 2 years to 6 years English 築遊全世界 課程編號:ARCH9089 S 3762 0071 建築學是藝術、歷史、文化與工程學的結合、此課程希望引導學員去認識不同國家 的建築 設計、文化及歷史背景,並提升他們觀察、思考與分析不同的國度,從而 提升他們旅遊時的樂趣。此課程會引用香港、東京、倫敦、北京、紐約及新加坡等 各地的建築案例來與 學員分析不同類型的建築設計。 HK$3,375 2個月