003 Message from the Director 院長序言 004 About the School 有關學院 007 Governance 學院管理 008 Major Milestones 主要發展里程 009 Facts and Figures 資料概況 010 Microcredentials 微證書 011 International Recognition 國際認可 Welcome to the Prospectus this season 歡迎閱覽本學院全新一季的課程手冊 With more than 1,200 programmes categorised into 110 interest areas, you will find one that suits your needs and interests. 本手冊刊載了110個興趣學科逾1,200項課程,能讓您找 到切合自己需要和感興趣的選擇。 Colleges and Part-time Programmes 學院及兼讀制課程 028 The Colleges 學院 031 Programme Index 課程索引 045 Accounting & Finance 會計及金融 084 Architecture, Environment & Housing 建築、房屋及建造環境 095 Arts, Design & Culture 藝術、設計及文化 117 Aviation, Transport, Logistics & Supply Chain 航空、交通、物流及供應鏈 121 Business & Management 商業及管理 140 Chinese Medicine 中醫學 151 Computing and Data Science 電腦運算及數據科學 159 Engineering and Science 工程及科學 169 Healthcare, Sport and Wellness 健康護理、體育及健康 200 Hospitality & Lifestyle 款客及精緻生活 215 Languages 語言 257 Law 法律 263 Marketing 市場營銷學 274 Social Sciences 社會科學 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE 014 Overview 概述 014 Equal Opportunity 平等機會 016 Data Privacy Policy 個人資料私隱政策 017 Application and Admission 申請及取錄 018 Payment Methods 付款方法 019 Financial Assistance 進修資助 021 Academic Matters 學術方面的安排 022 General Matters 一般事項 024 Enrolment/Learning Centres 報名/ 教學中心 Full-time Programmes, Centres and Other Professional Activities 全日制課程、中心及其他專業活動 298 Full-time Programmes 全日制課程 301 Our Partners 學院夥伴 302 University of London Programmes 倫敦大學課程 303 University of Leicester Programmes 萊斯特大學課程 304 Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning 何超蕸教與學中心 304 Centre for Logistics and Transport 物流及運輸課程中心 305 LEAD Academy 企業發展學院 306 Clinics 中醫、營養學教研中心 308 HKU SPACE Alumni & Foundation 香港大學專業進修學院校友會 及基金 Enrolment Form 報名表格 III II I Contents 目錄
Subject Index | 學科索引 Accounting & Finance 會計及金融 045 Accounting 會計學 049 Account Examination Preparatory Programme 會計專業考試備試課程 051 Corporate Administration and Governance 企業行政及管治 054 Environmental, Social and Governance 環境、社會及管治 054 External and Internal Audit 內部和外部審計 055 Family Office 家族辦公室 056 Finance and Compliance 金融法規 062 Financial Services and Insurance 金融服務及保險 066 FinTech and Financial Analytics 金融科技及金融分析 073 Green Finance 綠色金融 074 Investment Management 投資管理 080 Risk Management 風險管理 082 Taxation Advisory 稅務諮詢 Architecture, Environment & Housing 建築、房屋及建造環境 084 Alternative Dispute Resolution 非訴訟式紛爭解決方法 085 Architecture 建築 088 Construction, Safety & Built Environment 建造、安全及環境管理 091 Digitial Building Design 數碼建築設計 092 Heritage Conservation & Management 文化遺產保育及管理 092 Housing & Property 房屋及地產 Arts, Design & Culture 藝術、設計及文化 095 Arts Management 藝術管理 097 Chinese Art 中國美術 101 Culture & Philosophy 文化及哲學 102 Design 設計 105 Performing Arts 表演藝術 110 Religion 宗教 111 Western Art 西方美術 Aviation, Transport, Logistics & Supply Chain 航空、交通、物流及供應鏈 117 Aviation Engineering and Technology 航空工程及科技 117 Aviation Operations and Management 航空營運及管理 118 Aviation Piloting 航空及飛行 120 Logistics, Transport & Supply Chain 物流、交通及供應鏈 Business & Management 商業及管理 121 Business and Logistics Management 商業與物流管理 123 Business Management and Administration 商業管理與行政 127 Digital Business Management 數碼商業管理 127 Digital Transformation 數碼轉型 128 e-Commerce and e-Logistics 電子商務與電子物流 129 Human Resource Management 人力資源管理 133 HR Analytics 人力資源分析 134 International Management 國際管理 134 Leadership Development 領導力培育 136 Maritime Management 航運管理 137 Organisation Change Management 組織變革管理 137 Project Management 項目管理 137 Smart Procurement 精明採購 138 Supply Chain 供應鏈 139 Workplace and Business Psychology 工作場所與商業心理學 Chinese Medicine 中醫學 140 Acupuncture and Tui-Na 針灸及推拿 143 Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance 中醫藥保健 147 Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutics 中藥學 148 Traditional Chinese Medicine 中醫 Computing and Data Science 電腦運算及數據科學 151 Advanced Technology and Computing 先進科技及電腦運算 155 Cyber Security 網絡保安 156 Data Science 數據科學 156 Digital Content Production 數碼內容製作 158 eSports Technology 電競科技 158 Smart Wellness 智慧健康 Engineering and Science 工程及科學 159 Engineering 工程學 162 General and Environmental Sciences 普及與環境科學 163 Green Technology and Sustainability 綠色科技與可持續發展 164 Library and Information Studies 圖書館及資訊科學 168 Molecular Genomics 分子基因學 168 Statistics 統計學 Healthcare, Sport and Wellness 健康護理、體育及健康 169 Beauty Study, Cosmetics and Aesthetics Application 美容學、化妝品學及美學應用 170 Complementary and Integrative Medicine 補充和整合醫學 171 Dietetics and Nutrition 營養學 181 Food Science 食物科學 182 Geriatric Care 老年護理 182 Health Management 健康管理 183 Holistic Wellness 全人健康 184 Medical Sciences 醫療科學 187 Nursing Studies and Healthcare 護理學及健康護理 189 Pharmaceutical Studies 藥物科學 191 Rehabilitation 復康專科 192 Sports, Exercise and Recreation Management 體育、運動及康樂 Hospitality & Lifestyle 款客及精緻生活 200 Art Business 藝術營運 200 Business & Live Entertainment Events 商業及現場娛樂活動 203 Business Aviation Management 商業航空管理 204 Gourmet & Culinary Art 美食及烹飪 205 Hospitality & Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊業管理 210 Luxury Watch, Jewelery & Accessories 豪華鐘錶、珠寶及飾物 211 Wine, Spirits, Sake & Coffee 葡萄酒、烈酒、清酒及咖啡 Languages 語言 215 Chinese 中文 222 English 英文 235 European 歐洲語言 236 French 法語 238 Spanish 西班牙語 240 Italian 意大利語 241 Portuguese 葡萄牙語 242 German 德語 243 Swedish 瑞典語 245 Russian 俄羅斯語 245 Arabic 阿拉伯文 247 Japanese 日語 250 Korean 韓語 253 Other Languages 其他語言 255 Translation 翻譯 Law 法律 257 Law-Related Courses 法律相關課程 258 Professional Law Courses 專業法律課程 Marketing 市場營銷學 263 Advertising, Media Planning and Marketing Communications 廣告、媒體策劃及營銷傳播 265 Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Marketing Data Analytics 人工智能,大數據及市場營銷數據分析 265 Brand Management, Luxury Branding and Fashion Marketing 品牌管理、奢侈品牌建設及時裝營銷 267 Digital Marketing, Social Media and Content Management 數碼營銷,社交媒體及內容管理 271 E-commerce and Omnichannel Retailing 電子商務及全渠道零售 272 Professional Selling and Sales Management 專業推銷與銷售管理 273 Public Relations and Crisis Management 公共關係與危機管理 Social Sciences 社會科學 274 Education 教育 279 Education ( Docent Training ) 教育(導賞員訓練) 281 Media & Communication 媒體及傳播學 287 Political Sciences and Public Administration 政治及公共行政 289 Psychology & Counselling 心理學及輔導 294 Social Sciences 社會科學
003 William K. M. Lee 李經文 Director 院長 Message from the Director 院長序言 The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) under the University Grants Committee (UGC) published its report on the quality audit of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in the third audit cycle in September which included HKU SPACE. This exercise highlighted HKU SPACE’s unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching and learning (T&L), and the School was pleased to have received numerous positive commendations and affirmations of its efforts. The Report commended the School’s robust and systematic processes for programme development, approval, monitoring and review. The Report also recognised the School’s increasing use of data in its quality assessment, led by the Quality Analytics Team (QAT). The Audit Panel recognised that there are effective systems in place for managing academic standards and quality. The link to the Report: https://www.ugc. edu.hk/doc/eng/qac/report/hku202409e.pdf To actively align with the country’s development, HKU SPACE successfully organised the Inaugural GBA Education Conference on 20 June 2024. Nearly 300 educators, experts, practitioners, and members of the public from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area attended the Conference. Furthermore, a visit was conducted from 20 to 22 June to explore the latest trends, best practices, and the growing need for higher education in the rapidly evolving Greater Bay Area. The tour included visits to prominent enterprises such as Tencent, Huawei European Town, etc. In view of the increasing links in the GBA to bring students to Hong Kong, the Mainland Affairs Office (MAO) was established in August 2024. The MAO will also serve as a central point of contact in receiving and reviewing proposals for participation from Mainland individuals and institutions. On 7 June 2024, HKU SPACE Community College held its first academic conference with the theme of: “Transformation and Development in Teaching and Research: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives”, attracting a total of 350 participants. Many of the 36 presentations were given by staff of the Community College and its sister institution, the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College. On international matters, HKU SPACE is delighted to announce its new strategic collaboration with King’s College London (King’s), one of the world’s top 40 universities according to the 2024 QS World University Rankings and among the oldest in England. This momentous partnership entails a Collaboration Agreement that will facilitate academic collaboration and the joint offering of King’s programmes in Hong Kong. It marks the firstever collaboration between King's and an educational institution in Hong Kong, representing a significant milestone for HKU SPACE in transnational education. The first programme to be offered in the new partnership will be the online MSc in Nursing. The School has also become an International Associate Member of the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). These external recognitions of our efforts are much appreciated. The School has again been recognised as a Caring Organisation by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) for 15 consecutive years. Also, it received the “Recognised Organisation” award at the UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2024 and the “Rehabilitation Partners” award from the Correctional Services Department for the first time. The School continues to prepare for the government’s reforms to the PostSecondary Colleges Ordinance and is looking forward to prepare for this in 2025. Meanwhile HKU SPACE is now playing a greater management role in its successful and longstanding partnership with Po Leung Kuk – the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC). 大學教育資助委員會(教資會)轄下的質素保證局(質保局)於2024年9月 公佈香港大學第三輪質素核證報告,當中涵蓋對香港大學專業進修學院的 評審。這次質素核證報告印證了學院對卓越教與學的堅定承諾。學院喜見 評審小組在報告中給予學院多項嘉許及肯定。報告讚揚學院在課程發展、 審批、監察和檢討方面的程序嚴謹及有系統,並認可學院在質量數據分析 組的領導下於質量評估工作中增加數據的使用。評審小組確認,學院制定 的學術標準和質素管理制度均行之有效。報告連結:https://www.ugc.edu. hk/doc/eng/qac/report/hku202409e.pdf。 為積極配合國家發展,學院於2024年6月20日成功舉辦首屆大灣區教育 論壇,近300名來自粵港澳大灣區的教育工作者、專家、從業員及公眾人 士出席。此外,學院在6月20日至22日舉辦大灣區考察團,以探討大灣區 在高等教育方面的最新趨勢、最佳實踐和日益增長的需求。考察活動包括 參訪騰訊、華為歐洲小鎮等知名企業。 鑒於大灣區的聯繫日益緊密,為吸引更多學生來港,我們於2024年8月成 立了內地事務處。內地事務處將會作為聯絡中心,負責接收及審批來自內 地個人和機構的參與建議。 香港大學附屬學院於2024年6月7日舉辦了第一屆學術會議,主題為「多 學科和跨學科視角下的教學與研究的變革和發展」,共吸引350名人士出 席。36場演講主要由香港大學附屬學院及香港大學專業進修學院保良局何 鴻燊社區書院的教職員參與。 在國際事務方面,學院欣然宣佈與倫敦國王學院建立新的戰略合作關係。 倫敦國王學院是2024年QS世界大學排名前40的大學之一,也是英國歷 史最悠久的大學之一。這項重要合作協議將促進雙方的學術合作,攜手在 香港提供國王學院的課程。這是國王學院與香港教育機構的首次合作,標 誌着學院在跨國教育領域的重要里程碑。戰略合作協議下提供的首個課程 是線上臨床護理學碩士課程。 學院亦成為了英國高等教育質素保證局的國際聯繫會員,我們非常感謝外 界對學院的努力予以肯定。 學院連續15年獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「同心展關懷」機構,並首度獲 環保促進會頒發「聯合國可持續發展目標香港成就獎2024」獲認可機構獎 項,以及懲教署頒發「更生伙伴」獎項。 學院積極籌備政府對《專上學院條例》的改革工作,並期待於2025年順利 完成相關準備。與此同時,學院與保良局一直攜手合辦香港大學專業進修 學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院,為加強長遠的合作關係,現更在其管理上發 揮更大作用,務求為學生帶來最佳的學習體驗。
004 We are HKU SPACE “Lifelong Learning for a Better Future” 我們是HKU SPACE 「終身學習開創更美好未來」 In fulfilling the mission of The University of Hong Kong in developing and extending lifelong learning opportunities for the community, HKU SPACE aspires to be a world-class centre of excellence for the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong and the region. 為完成香港大學致力為社會開拓終身學習機會的使命,香港 大學專業進修學院矢志成為一所領導國際的教育機構,為香 港以至亞太地區提供專業而優質的持續教育。 OUR VISION • 願景 • C ollaborate with the University and other institutions locally and globally in expanding lifelong learning opportunities for personal development, academic progression and professional and career advancement • E ngage with stakeholders to deliver high quality education and training programmes to meet the needs of society in Hong Kong and the region • B e a strong advocate of lifelong learning for all to realise an educated citizenry and quality of life • E xcel in the provision of professional and continuing education in Hong Kong and the region • F oster strategic partnerships locally and globally to promote international outlook and opportunities • 聯 同香港大學、本地及海外機構,開拓終身學習機會,以 助提升個人、學業、專業及事業方面的發展 • 與 不同界別的持份者攜手合作,了解本港以至亞太地區的 人才需求,提供卓越的教育及培訓 • 推動終身學習,實現具公民學養及生活優裕的社會 • 提 供優質教育,服務本地以至亞太地區社群 • 促進與本地及全球策略伙伴合作,放眼國際,開拓機遇 OUR MISSION • 使命 • Supportive of our learners, our staff and our partners • Pioneering new initiatives and passionate for change • Accountable to stakeholders with professionalism and integrity • Creative and innovative in teaching and learning • Excellent in the quality of what we do to serve our communities • 全 力支持學員、同事及合作伙伴 • 敢 於開拓、奮發求進 • 勇 於承擔,以專業至誠的態度向持份者負責 • 致 力創新,達致教學相長 • 卓 越超群,以優質教學服務社會 OUR VALUES • 信念 About the School 有關學院
005 About the School 有關學院 History The University of Hong Kong’s Department of Extra Mural Studies (DEMS) was established in 1956/57, the first continuing education unit in a university in the region. DEMS played a significant role in the University’s provision of lifelong learning opportunities for the wider community and, in 1992, it was renamed as the School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE). The University has a recognised role in lifelong learning and, as the continuing education arm of the University, HKU SPACE fulfils this part of the University’s mission by providing learning opportunities for personal, professional and career advancement for people from all walks of life. With some 900 full-time staff members and around 2,000 part-time teachers, HKU SPACE is one of the leading local providers in continuing education. Course enrolments since 1957 have exceeded 3.3 million, with annual course enrolment of some 95,000 in 2023/24, representing a full-time equivalent student load of 20,088. The School collaborates closely with the other faculties and departments of the University to offer timely and relevant courses that meet society’s needs to update education and skills for the knowledge economy. The global dimension is also important and the School has an extensive network of international universities with whom it collaborates. 歷史悠久 於1956/57年,香港大學成立亞太地區首個致力提供終身學習機會的校外課 程部,並於1992年正式易名為香港大學專業進修學院。作為香港大學的一 員,學院秉承大學重視終身學習的理念,為社會各界提供有助個人、專業發 展的進修機會。 擁有約900名全職員工及約2,000名兼職導師,香港大學專業進修學院在 本港的持續教育界擔當領導角色。自創校以來,報讀學院課程人次已逾 330萬,於2023/24年,報讀人次約95,000,相當於20,088名全日制 學生。學院將繼續與香港大學的其他學系及部門緊密合作,提供最切合知識 型經濟社會需要的課程。學院深明與國際接軌的重要,現有的龐大國際學府 網絡,有助發展國際化課程。 Quality support for learners A hallmark of the HKU SPACE programmes is that they are designed and managed by the full-time academic staff of the School and supported by the excellent corps of part-time teachers. The School’s Quality Assurance mechanisms have been reviewed by the University as well as by external agencies and have been described as “exemplary”. The School, in its Strategic Plan, has committed itself to being a quality provider in terms of its academic programmes as well as in providing quality support to students through good teaching and well-designed learning centre facilities. The information age has brought exciting new learning possibilities. The School has developed a webbased, online learning platform, SOUL 3.0, to provide students and teachers with an effective means of communicating with each other for teaching and learning purposes. SOUL mobile learning services are also provided to support students and teachers for ubiquitous learning. The School is also actively extending its range of e-courses to provide high flexibility to learners in the online learning arena. In 2023, the School introduced Microcredentials as short for credit courses which earn a digital badge and which can be stacked for a certificate as diploma award. Most of the Microcredentials are CEF eligible. 優質學習支援 學院開辦的課程均由全職教員設計及管理,並由優秀的兼職教師團隊教授。 學院的學術質素保證機制經過香港大學內部及校外機構評審,獲評為業界典 範。學院在發展策略中亦訂下明確目標,致力為學員提供優質課程、專業教 學及完善設備,以實踐學院作為具質素服務保證院校的承諾。現今資訊科技 發展迅速,為學習帶來更多可能性。學院開發的網上學習平台SOUL 3.0,有 助強化老師與學員間教與學的網絡互動效益;而SOUL流動應用程式令學員 和教師可更靈活及有效地教與學。學院正積極開拓更多元網上課程,為在線 學習的學員提供高度靈活性。於2023年,學院推出微證書課程,它是短期的 學分制課程,學員可累積學分獲取證書或文憑資歷,並獲授予數碼徽章。大 部份微證書課程都屬於持續進修基金資助課程。
006 About the School 有關學院 External Quality Assurance The University Grants Committee, via its Quality Assurance Council, carries out a comprehensive review of the University’s provision on a regular basis. The most recent report (published in February 2019) commended the School’s excellent governance and management policies and procedures, its comprehensive and effective QA processes, the committed, professional and enthusiastic staff as well as student satisfaction on their learning experience. The University also reviewed HKU SPACE in late 2019 and commended its supplementary and complementary role in delivering the University Mission in providing lifelong learning opportunities to the wider community. An International Quality Review in 2021 concluded that HKU SPACE met all the ten European standards for quality. This was formally recognised by the German Quality Agency, ASIIN, in July 2022. In December 2023, the School's portfolios were part of the audit of the University by the UGC QAC. The results of this review are published on the UGC QAC website at https://www.ugc.edu.hk/big5/qac/about/term/publications/report.html 外部質素保證 大學教育資助委員會轄下的質素保證局定期就大學的課程質素進行全面的評 核。其最近發表的報告(2019年2月)高度讚揚學院不僅具備完善的管理政策 及程序,且質素保證制度全面及有效,並嘉許教學人員盡心竭力、熱誠投入 的專業精神,學員對學習體驗亦感到非常滿意。此外,香港大學於2019年年 底亦對學院進行了全面檢討,並讚揚學院能夠有效補充香港大學為社會提供 終身學習使命的角色。而於2021年進行的國際學術質素評審結果亦顯示,學 院全面達到歐洲學術質素標準,並於2022年7月獲得德國認證機構ASIIN(工 程、信息科學、自然科學和數學專業認證機構)的官方認證。 於2023年12月,學院作為香港大學的一分子,已接受大學教育資助委員會質 素保證局質素核證,相關報告已經上載於教資會質保局的網頁(https://www. ugc.edu.hk/big5/qac/about/term/publications/report.html)。 Communication and feedback from teachers and learners HKU SPACE views effective communication with its community as one of its top priorities. Feedback from students and teachers is highly valued and plays an important role in the process of monitoring as well as improving the quality of the programmes and services offered by the School. There are various formal and informal means of communication for students and teachers to channel their feedback to the School and to assist in the quality assurance process. All cases are handled in strict confidence and dealt with sensitively. 教與學更緊密溝通 學員及導師的反饋是有效監察、確保課程質素及完善服務不可或缺的,亦是 學院最珍視的一環。學院提供多條反映意見的渠道,以助學院精益求精,而 所有個案均保密處理。 Organisation of the School The University manages the affairs of the School through a non-profit-making company limited by guarantee which has a Board of Directors that draws its members from the University itself and from the wider community. The School’s academic programmes are monitored by the University Senate through the Board for Continuing and Professional Education and Lifelong Learning. Internally, the School has a Collegiate organisation. The wide range of part-time courses offered at all academic levels are organised under 23 subject groups allocated among three Colleges: of Business and Finance (CBF), Humanities and Law (CHL) and Life Sciences and Technology (CLST). These three colleges also offer full-time overseas degree courses. All three Colleges offer award bearing programmes as well as non-award bearing programmes (including Executive Certificates and Diplomas). The Community College (CC) is responsible for two years, full-time sub-degree courses leading to awards of Associate Degree and Higher Diploma. The HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC) is a joint venture with a leading charitable association, Po Leung Kuk and also offers full time sub-degree courses. 學院管治架構 香港大學專業進修學院為非牟利擔保有限公司,直屬於香港大學,並由大學 授權學院董事局處理學院事務。學院董事局成員包括大學代表及社會人士。 學院課程的制定、批核及監察,則由香港大學教務委員會透過持續專業教育 及終生學習委員會負責。學院提供涵蓋23種不同學科、不同程度的兼讀制課 程及全日制本地及海外學位課程,分別由金融商業學院、人文及法律學院與 生命科學及科技學院主理。所有學院均有開辦學銜與非學銜頒授課程(包括 行政人員證書和文憑)。香港大學附屬學院則提供兩年全日制副學位課程頒 授副學士或高級文憑資歷。此外,學院與慈善機構保良局合辦的香港大學專 業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院亦有提供全日制副學位課程。 Taking the School to the community HKU SPACE has a long history of locating its teaching and learning facilities at convenient downtown centres so as to better serve the community. Its flagship location is in the Admiralty area where it has premises in the Admiralty Centre (2/F and 3/F) and United Centre (6/F). The School also uses its Community College campus at Kowloon Bay and the HPSHCC Campus at Causeway Bay for both full-time and part-time students. The campus in Kowloon West is equipped with advanced classrooms and learning facilities. Additionally, there is the Island East Campus in North Point as well as the Fortress Tower Learning Centre. The University’s Main Campus facilities are also available for evening classes. The Island South Campus in Pokfulam is a centre for Innovation and Technology. The School is expanding its Learning Centre provision to meet growing demand in Kowloon Bay and also in Sheung Shui. 走進社區 學院的教學中心,位處社區樞紐地段,除金鐘海富中心二及三樓、統一中心 六樓外,位於九龍灣的港大附屬學院和銅鑼灣的港大保良何鴻燊社區書院 校舍,亦可供全日制和兼讀制學生使用。西九龍教學中心設有先進的課室及 學習設施。 學院另於北角設有港島東分校及北角城教學中心,香港大學本部設施亦可供 學院晚間課程使用。位於薄扶林的港島南教學中心為創新及科技中心。學院 正在擴展其教學中心的設施,以滿足九龍灣和上水日益增長的需求。 Global perspective HKU SPACE collaborates with a wide range of academic and professional institutions globally (in the UK, Australia, the USA, Mainland China) and in Hong Kong. The School will continue to explore opportunities for further cooperation with reputable institutions, both local and overseas, in order to offer a greater variety of high quality and relevant programmes to students. 國際協作 學院與世界各地包括英國、澳洲、美國、中國內地和本港多所學術及專業機 構合作。未來學院會進一步開拓與其他本地及海內外知名學府的合作機會, 以發展更多元、更切合學員需要的優質課程。 Future development HKU SPACE will strive to maintain its leading role in continuing education in Hong Kong and the region. It acts as an extension arm of the University to deliver HKU’s mission and role in providing lifelong learning opportunities to the wider community. 展望未來 學院將致力保持於香港以至亞太地區持續教育界的領導地位,繼續秉承大學 的理念,為社會各界提供優質的終身學習機會。
007 Governance 學院管理 Members of the HKU SPACE Company Limited by Guarantee 香港大學專業進修學院擔保有限公司成員 The President & Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong 香港大學校長 Professor Xiang Zhang 張翔教授 The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education and a Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong 香港大學專業進修學院董事局主席 及 香港大學副校長 Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁教授 The University of Hong Kong 香港大學 represented by the Registrar 由香港大學教務長代表 The Director of Finance of the University of Hong Kong 香港大學財務處長 Mr Tony T. S. Lo 勞同聲先生 The Director of the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education 香港大學專業進修學院院長 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 Board of Directors 董事局 Chairman 主席 Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁教授 Members 委員 Professor Ying Shing Chan 陳應城教授 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 Professor Norman C. Tien 田之楠教授 Mr Andrew K. K. Wu 胡國強先生 Ms Barbara C. M. Chiu 招卓敏女士 Mr Tony T. S. Lo 勞同聲先生 Dr Maurice K. S. Tse 謝國生博士 Mr Sunny K. Yeung 楊光先生 Dr Gordon K. C. Chiu 趙啟聰醫生 Ms Ginny W. Y. Man 文頴怡女士 Professor Alice S. T. Wong 黃思齊教授 Professor Pauline Chiu 趙寶貽教授 Mrs Mona C. F. Tam 譚張翠芬女士 Professor Richard Y. C. Wong 王于漸教授 Secretary 秘書 Dr John Cribbin 祁樂彬博士 Board for Continuing and Professional Education and Lifelong Learning 持續專業教育及終生學習委員會 Chairman 主席 Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁教授 Members 委員 Dr Bruce S. N. Cheung 張少能博士 Dr Martin C. H. Cheung 張知恒博士 Professor Stephen Y. W. Chu 朱耀偉教授 Dr John Cribbin 祁樂彬博士 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 Dr Francis C. C. Ling 凌志聰博士 Professor Sonny S. H. Lo 盧兆興教授 Ms Ginny W. Y. Man 文頴怡女士 Professor C.Y. Tan 陳鐘榮教授 Professor K. P. Wong 王傑邦教授 Dr John Yeung 楊顯中博士 Professor Bennett C. K. Yim 嚴志堅教授 In Attendance 列席 Ms Jacqueline W.Y. Chui 徐慧儀女士 Secretary 秘書 Ms Kitty K.Y. Lam 林潔儀女士 Directorate 院長室 Director 院長 Professor William K. M. Lee 李經文教授 BA Toronto; MA Windsor; PhD Toronto Deputy Director (Administration and Resources) 常務副院長(行政及資源) Professor Dorothy T. F. Chan 陳阮德徽教授 BSocSc, MSocSc, PhD HK; Hon. Fellow CILT; BBS Deputy Director (Academic Services) 常務副院長(學務) Dr John Cribbin 祁樂彬博士 BSc UCL; MSc Leic; EdD Nott; Hon. Fellow Lon Deputy Director and Acting Community College Principal 常務副院長暨署理附屬學院校長 Professor Sonny S. H. Lo 盧兆興教授 BA York(Can); MA Wat; PhD Toronto
recognition on million 3.3 (1957 - 2024) First custom built campus for CC at Kowloon Bay 2008 008 Major Milestones 主要發展里程
009 3,300,000 385,000 1,160 19,950 20,088 610,000 2023 / 2024 2023 / 2024 Facts and Figures 資料概況
010 Microcredentials 微證書 MICROCREDENTIALS 微證書 What are Microcredentials? Microcredentials are short, standalone courses that are relevant to careers and professions or indeed for general interest. They are small, credit bearing programmes which in themselves do not lead to a quali cation but are often "stackable" into a larger award bearing quali cation. Microcredeitnals are a world wide trend to meet 21st-century learners’ needs. Successful completion leads to a ‘digital badge’. Microcredentials have three main features: Stackability, Flexibility & Presonalised Why Microcredentials? Microcredentials are based on individual interests and personalised according to learners’ own preferences. The lifelong learner community can pursue their course of choice and create their individualised educational mind map. How to Earn Microcredentials? The Microcredential courses are characterised as Professional Practice or as General Studies. The rule is that to qualify as Professional Practice, 75% of the stackable Microcredentials should be in that category. That is, for a Certi cate in Professional Practice (30 credits), 24 or more credits have to be in that category. For a Diploma it is 45 of 60 credits. 什麼是微證書? 微證書是短期、獨立的課程,學科主題與職業及專業以至一般興趣相關。它們是規模較小的學分制 課程,本身不會獲頒授任何學歷資格,但「可累積」學分獲取學銜的資歷。微證書是一股全球新趨 勢,能滿足廿一世紀的學員的需求。當完成微證書課程,學員將獲授予相關數碼徽章。 微證書課程具有三大特點:可累積學分、靈活性高及個人化 為什麼需要微證書? 微證書是根據個人興趣和喜好的個人化學習計劃。學員可以選修自己喜愛的課程,並創建個人的教 育思維導圖。 如何獲得微證書? 微證書課程以專業實踐或普通學科為主題。專業實踐課程認證要求百分之 七十五或以上的學分必須在該專業領域修讀。也就是說,專業實踐證書(30學分) 中的24或更多學分必須屬於該專業學科;專業實踐文憑(60學分)要求 必須於該專業學科當中修讀的45或以上學分。 你的終身學習新選擇 Your New Choice for Lifelong Learning 微證書
In relation to the International Quality Review, the German Agency, the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN), has now con rmed that our institutional accreditation seal has been extended for 5 years until 30 September 2028. This con rms that HKU SPACE ful ls the institutional, procedural and cultural requirements for good teaching and successful learning. The experts commended that “HKU SPACE's institutional leadership is particularly strong, and the institution is procedurally rigorous.” Finally the Panel concluded HKU SPACE has a strong base to build on and promising potential to further develop as a World Class Centre of Excellence in Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning and Transnational Education. 有關德國工程、信息科學、自然科學和數學專業認證機構(ASIIN)協助學院進行的國 際學術質素評審,確認學院在機構、程序及文化方面,已達到良好教學及成功學習的 要求,由ASIIN向學院頒授的機構認證標誌獲延續五年至2028年9月30日。評審專家 讚揚,「香港大學專業進修學院在機構領導層面尤其優秀,而且在執行上嚴謹縝密」。 評審小組總結認為,學院具備穩健根基和深遠潛力,可望在持續教育、終身學習和跨國 教育的領域上發展成為領導國際的優質學府。 香港大學專業進修學院 ASIIN機構認證標誌獲延續五年 HKU SPACE Receives 5-Year Extension of ASIIN Accreditation Seal HKU SPACE was awarded the Accreditation quality management in teaching and learning. seal for its ASIIN Institutional Accredited Institution 2022-2028 011 International Recognition 國際認可
012 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE
013 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE
014 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE This guide is for the information of students who undertake courses in HKU SPACE, award-bearing and non-award-bearing, credit or non-credit. As a general rule, the School follows University policy and these guidelines are to inform the student body in HKU SPACE as to expectations of behaviours from students and consequences where infractions occur. 本指引供在香港大學專業進修學院修讀課程的學生作參考,並適用於各學銜 或非學銜,學分或非學分制課程。一般而言,本學院緊隨大學政策,以下各 指引旨在讓本院學生們更清楚明瞭對他們日常行為的合理期望,以及違規的 後果。 Overview 概述 The School is committed to creating, promoting and maintaining an environment of equality of opportunity for students and staff, free of any discrimination or harassment. Hitherto, the School has been concerned mainly to engage students with a disability to ascertain how, and to what extent, it can help to meet their learning needs. However, equality of opportunity and freedom from harassment has many dimensions as outlined below: 本院致力為學生及教職員創造、推廣及維持一個提供平等機會而沒有任何歧 視或騷擾的環境。 本院一向注重與殘疾學生達致共融,確保在方式及程度上盡量滿足他們的學 習需要。除此之外,學生能在以下各範疇享有平等機會及不受騷擾的自由亦 是我們所關注的: Equal Opportunity 平等機會 The School supports equal opportunity and strongly opposes discrimination/ harassment. Students are treated equally without discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, race, nationality, marital status, pregnancy, breastfeeding, disability, sexual orientation and family status. The School is committed to providing a learning environment where there is no barrier to equal opportunity. Harassment will cause an uncomfortable learning environment. Individual students are responsible for their actions and shall not engage in potentially offensive behaviors. The School observes the various definitions of discrimination, harassment and vilification stipulated by the relevant ordinances in Hong Kong: (a) Sex Discrimination – The definitions of sex discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (b) Sexual Harassment – The definitions of sexual harassment in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (c) Marital Status Discrimination – The definitions of marital status discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (d) Pregnancy Discrimination – The definitions of pregnancy discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (e) Breastfeeding Discrimination – The definitions of breastfeeding discrimination and the exceptions in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (f) Breastfeeding Harassment – The definitions of breastfeeding harassment in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (g) Disability Discrimination – The definitions of disability discrimination and the exceptions in the Disability Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (h) Disability Harassment and Vilification – The definitions of disability harassment and vilification in the Disability Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (i) Family Status Discrimination – The definitions of family status discrimination and the exceptions in the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (j) Race Discrimination – The definitions of race discrimination and the exceptions in the Race Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (k) Race Harassment and Vilification – The definitions of race harassment and vilification in the Race Discrimination Ordinance will apply. (l) Discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation (m) Harassment on the ground of sexual orientation (n) Victimisation discrimination (o) Other forms of discrimination or harassment/vilification The School may make reference to the policies and procedures of the University Equal Opportunity Unit (EOU) and consult the EOU should circumstances warrant. The School will take action, if necessary, to discipline behaviour which violates the Equal Opportunity Policy. Any student who feels that he or she has been or is being subjected to discrimination/harassment by any person should seek assistance or advice as soon as possible. For full-time students in the Community Colleges or International College, please approach the Student Counsellors. For part-time students, please approach the programme team. 本院支持平等機會並堅決反對各種形式之歧視/騷擾。學生們應獲平等對待, 不因年齡、性別、種族、國籍、婚姻狀況、懷孕、餵哺母乳、殘疾、性傾向 和家庭崗位而受到歧視。因此,我們致力提供一個沒有平等機會障礙的學習 環境。 騷擾行為會構成一個不利學習的環境。學生應對個人行為負責,不應作出任 何能被認為是具冒犯性的行為。 本院恪遵香港各相關法例就下列歧視、騷擾及中傷行為作出的定義及指引: (a) 性別歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內性別歧視的定義及獲豁的情況均適用 (b) 性騷擾 –《性別歧視條例》內性騷擾的定義適用 (c) 婚姻狀況歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內婚姻狀況歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況 均適用 (d) 懷孕歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內懷孕歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況均適用 (e) 餵哺母乳歧視 –《性別歧視條例》內餵哺母乳歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況 均適用 (f) 餵哺母乳騷擾 –《性別歧視條例》內餵哺母乳騷擾的定義和及獲豁免的情 況均適用 (g) 殘疾歧視 –《殘疾歧視條例》內殘疾歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況均適用 (h) 殘疾騷擾/中傷 –《殘疾歧視條例》內殘疾騷擾/中傷的定義適用 (i) 家庭崗位歧視 –《家庭崗位歧視條例》內家庭崗位歧視的定義及獲豁免的 情況均適用 (j) 種族歧視 –《種族歧視條例》內種族歧視的定義及獲豁免的情況均適用 (k) 種族騷擾/中傷 –《種族歧視條例》內中種族騷擾/中傷的定義適用 (l) 性傾向歧視 (m) 性傾向騷擾 (n) 使人受害的歧視 (o) 其他形式的歧視或騷擾/中傷 若有需要,本院會參考大學平等機會事務處的政策和程序,並向該處作出 諮詢。 如有必要,本院將對違反平等機會政策的行為採取紀律跟進。 任何學生若認為自己曾經或正在受到任何人歧視/騷擾,應盡快尋求協助或 建議。 遇到上述情況,附屬學院或國際學院的全日制學生應聯繫輔導主任;兼讀制 學生請聯繫課程組別同事。
015 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Equal Opportunity 平等機會 When seeking assistance, a student is recommended to provide sufficient information including, but not limited to: (a) Details and date of the incident; (b) Personal information (e.g. name, contact information, marital status, family status, disability (where applicable), etc.); (c) Name of the respondent(s) (or name of the organisation) and contact; (d) Reasons or evidence supported the claim of discrimination/harassment; (e) Information of witness, if any. The more information that is provided, the easier it will be to investigate a case. However a student may still approach the School about any incidents of discrimination/harassment even if he/she is unable to provide all of the above information. The School appreciates the sensitive nature of discrimination/harassment and will ensure that details of the incident will only be disclosed to other persons on a need-to-know basis. The School’s Disciplinary and Appeals Committee will deal with cases that arise in relation to issues/cases described in this Section. 學生在尋求協助時應盡可能提供足夠佐證資料,其中包括但不限於: (a) 事件的詳情和日期; (b) 個人資料(例如姓名、聯絡方法、婚姻狀況、家庭崗位、殘疾(如適用)等); (c) 答辯人姓名(或機構名稱)及聯絡方法; (d) 歧視或騷擾行為申述理由或證據; (e) 證人資料(如有)。 能提供的相關資料愈多,愈能協助個案調查。然而,即使學生未能提供所有 上述資料,他/她仍可以就任何歧視/騷擾事件與本院聯絡。 本院理解歧視/騷擾行為的敏感性,會確保個案詳情只會向個別必需知情人士 作披露。 本院屬下紀律和上訴委員會會處理本章所述的事宜/個案 Students with Disability It is School policy to offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. Students are invited to indicate if they require any special assistance upon the application to a programme. If a student needs such assistance, the School will approach the student subsequently to obtain further details so as to facilitate how best the School can help. When enrolled in a programme, a student with a disability which may require special class and examination arrangements shall submit an application for such arrangements in writing to the Programme Leader, together with a certificate signed by a registered medical practitioner, or other relevant documents at the commencement of the programme. In terms of special examination arrangements, HKU SPACE may consider support and provisions for students with disabilities as appropriate, for example: (a) provision of an accessible examination hall to students with disabilities; (b) allowing longer examination time for students with visual impairment or writing difficulties; and (c) the use of special aids. However, there is no guarantee that such needs can be fully supported. 殘疾人士 本院所有入學申請,無論來自健康或殘疾人士,均按平等機會原則處理。 學生在申請入讀時請表示是否需要特殊學習輔助,本院會接觸有需要者 以安排適切支援。入讀本院課程的殘疾人士,如上課及考試需作特別安 排,請於開課時向課程主管提出書面申請,並附上註冊執業醫生簽發之證 明以及其他相關佐證文件。本院可為殘疾人士提供特別考試安排,例如: (a) 設有方便通道的考試場地; (b) 容許有視障或書寫困難人士以較長時間完成考試;及 (c) 安排特殊輔助設施。 但是,不能保證可以完全提供上述安排。 Further Information on Equal Opportunities issues Equal Opportunities Commission http://www.eoc.org.hk The University of Hong Kong, Equal Opportunity Unit (HKU EOU) https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/ HKU EOU Leaflets on: Introduction to HKU’s Equal Opportunity Policy and Procedures https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/education-materials/leaflet/introduction-to-hkus-equal-opportunity Handling Sexual Harassment – A Guide for Staff and Students https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/education-materials/leaflet/handling-sexualharassment-a-guide-for-staff-and-students Disability Discrimination Ordinance Code of Practice on Education https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/education-materials/leaflet/disabilitydiscrimination-ordinance-code-of-practice-on-education 更多有關平等機會的資訊 平等機會委員會 http://www.eoc.org.hk 香港大學平等機會事務處 https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/ 香港大學平等機會小冊子: 香港大學平等機會政策及程序 https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/education-materials/leaflet/introduction-to-hkus-equal-opportunity 處理性騷擾教職員及學生指引 https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/education-materials/leaflet/handling-sexualharassment-a-guide-for-staff-and-students 殘疾歧視條例教育實務守則 https://www.eounit.hku.hk/en/education-materials/leaflet/disabilitydiscrimination-ordinance-code-of-practice-on-education
016 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Data Privacy Policy Statement HKU SPACE respects personal data and is committed to full implementation and compliance with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. In doing so, we will ensure that staff involved in handling personal data comply with appropriate standards of security and confidentiality. In general, HKU SPACE, being part of the HKU, complies with all relevant and applicable HKU policies. 個人資料私隱政策 學院會依照香港個人資料(私隱)條例,確保員工在處理個人資料時會依循適 當的保安及保密守則。 本學院作為香港大學的一部分,亦將會遵守大學所有相關及適用的政策。 Uses of personal data we collect Whenever personal data is collected from you, electronically or physically, the purposes of the data collected will be specified. The personal data we collect will be used for processing applications for admission and registration, academic and administrative communication, web access and statistics, alumni management and contacts, research, statistical purposes, marketing (including direct marketing), patient management and contacts, and prescribed purposes as allowed by the law from time to time. Examples are necessary student records, academic communications, alumni communication, patient records and other incidental activities etc. Your data will solely be handled by HKU SPACE staff but may be transferred to and used by other companies under contractual activities with the School for the above mentioned purposes. HKU SPACE will divulge personal information only if required by law or with your prior consent. However, data may also be used in aggregate form for research and statistical purposes and in such circumstances individual data will not be divulged. The personal data that you supply (including, without limitation to, your name, contact details and other information collected in your profile such as the programme(s) you enrolled, your graduation year etc.) may be used for communication, alumni contacts and promotion on the availability of programmes and courses. This will also include seminars and events, discounts and offers, clinics and other services as well as alumni events, privileges, networking opportunities and fund-raising initiatives. Occasionally information from our parent University and fellow HKU subsidiaries may also be sent. Various communication channels will be employed such as direct-mail, email, mobile phone and other forms of social media. You always have the right to make subsequent changes on your choice of receiving further marketing materials by sending a written unsubscribe request to the Data Protection Officer (please see contact details in the paragraph “Data Protection Issues / Enquiries”). To enhance your browsing experience on our website, we may use cookies to collect certain information from your web browser while you are navigating our School website. You can always adjust the settings or clear browsing data from your web browser, but this may affect your browsing experience. You can find more details about the use of cookies on our website https://www.hkuspace. hku.hk/use-of-cookies/ 收集個人資料之使用 不論從任何方式,包括從網上或實體途徑收集 閣下的個人資料,本學院均 會闡明收集個人資料的目的。本學院所收集之個人資料,在法律許可情況 下,將用於入學申請、註冊、有關學術及行政通訊、網頁瀏覽及數據分析丶 校友事務及聯絡、研究、統計、市場分析及推廣(包括直接銷售)、管理病人 記錄及聯絡病人等用途,例如,學員記錄、學術通訊、校友通訊、病人記錄 等。此等資料亦可能以合約形式外判至其他機構處理。 本學院只會在法律規定或得到 閣下同意下,才會向外界提供個人資料。個 人資料當用於研究及統計方面,將不會泄露個別人士的資料。 閣下 提供的個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡方法及其他資料如曾報讀的課程、畢 業年份等)將用作與學院溝通渠道、校友通訊及推廣之用,學院將透過信件、 電子郵件、流動電話和其他社交媒體等為 閣下送上學院的最新課程資料及 推廣訊息,這些資訊亦將包括學院講座及活動、折扣優惠、診所服務、校友 會活動、校友會會員尊享優惠、校友聯誼及籌款活動等,當中亦可能包括香 港大學或其附屬機構的不定期資訊。 閣下可隨時以書面或電郵方式向學院 個人資料私隱主任申明是否願意繼續接收有關資訊。(個人資料私隱主任聯絡 方法,請參閱「查詢有關個人資料私隱」部分。) 為提升 閣下的網站瀏覽體驗,本學院使用網絡cookies來收集 閣下在本 網站上的瀏覽紀錄。 閣下可以透過更改瀏覽器的設定,以清除這些瀏覽數 據。請注意,如果 閣下透過修改瀏覽器設定,停用所有cookies(包括基 本cookies), 閣下或無法使用學院所提供的部分服務。有關本網站所使用 的cookies,可按此https://www.hkuspace.hku.hk/cht/use-of-cookies/參閱詳 情。 Right of access and correction Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, individuals have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data. Should you wish to access or correct your personal information held by us, please send your enquiry or request to the Data Protection Officer by post or by email (please quote “Data Access Request”). A reasonable fee may be charged for the processing of certain data access requests. 查閱和改正個人資料的權利 按香港個人資料(私隱)條例規定,個人有權要求查閱和改正其個人資料。倘 若 閣下希望查閱或改正收錄於本學院的個人資料,請以書面或電郵方式向 本學院個人資料私隱主任查詢或提出有關要求(請註明“查閱資料要求”)。本 學院將會酌情收取行政費用。 Changes to this Statement The HKU SPACE Data Privacy Policy Statement may be updated from time to time so please check this statement periodically. In case of inconsistency between the English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. 修訂聲明 此項聲明內容將會定期更新,請定期查閱最新修訂的內容。中英文版本如有 出入,將以英文版本為準。 Data protection issues/enquiries Issues/enquiries should be addressed to HKU SPACE Deputy Director (Academic Services) who acts as the Data Protection Officer for the School. 查詢有關個人資料私隱 本學院常務副院長(學務)現兼任個人資料私隱主任, 閣下如有任何查詢, 請與主任聯絡。 Data Protection Officer HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, Suites A & B, 12/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong. Email: privacy@hkuspace.hku.hk 個人資料私隱主任 郵寄地址: 香港金鐘道95號統一中心12樓A&B室 香港大學專業進修學院 個人資料私隱主任收 電郵地址: privacy@hkuspace.hku.hk Data Privacy Policy 個人資料私隱政策