Programme Index 課程索引 042 中西舞蹈與創意教學法 藝術教育工作坊(經典樂舞與保健養生) 視覺(空間)藝術教育 視覺藝術教學研習坊 254 小學視覺藝術科綜合教學法 小學數學科教學技巧 學童數多酷教學法(速成班) 校董專業發展培訓課程 筆跡分析提升學與教 生命教練 LEGO® 積木遊戲治療訓練工作坊 生命教育@和諧粉彩︱療心卡 255 生命教育@園藝治療 桌遊治療與諮商輔導課程 全人教育:多元智能學習 華德福教育實踐工作坊 蒙特梭利工作坊 蒙特梭利綜合教學法 創意寫作教學研習班 社會科學研究方法 256 價值教育與批判思考訓練工作坊 正向教育@培育社交情緒學習與資優潛能 特殊教育文憑 Education (Docent Training) 教育(導賞員訓練) 256 導賞員訓練證書 257 導賞員實務培訓文憑 導賞員導師訓練證書 歷史文化及古蹟教育導賞課程 媒體藝術教育導賞員訓練 導賞員訓練課程〈中式建築.吉祥圖案〉 導賞員訓練課程〈西式建築.教堂解碼〉 國史教育導賞員訓練:歷史文化考察 258 導賞員訓練課程〈生態古蹟教育.九龍區〉 導賞員訓練課程〈通古識港.大埔區〉 導賞員訓練課程〈通古識港.屯門區〉 活動司儀及禮儀研習坊 青少年導賞員訓練課程 Media & Communication 媒體及傳播學 259 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations and Corporate Communication Postgraduate Certificate in Public Relations and Corporate Communication Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Digital and Social Media Communication Advanced Diploma in Public Relations and Corporate Communication 260 Certificate in Public Relations and Corporate Communication Certificate for Module (Public Affairs and Political PR) Certificate for Module (Crisis and Reputation Management) Foundation Certificate in English PR Writing and Presentation) Certificate in Sustainable Communities 261 紀錄片製作證書 社交網絡新趨勢及營銷計劃 微電影大故事 Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique 262 BA Mass Communications, Advertising & Public Relations Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Production Advanced Diploma in Communication and Culture 數碼品牌傳播(高中應用學習)證書 263 Certificate for Module (Science Communication) Certificate for Module (Analysing Media and Culture) Certificate for Module (Researching Media and Culture) Certificate for Module (Media and Popular Culture) Certificate for Module (New Media) 264 Certificate for Module (Digital Media Literacy) Certificate for Module (Visualising Cultures) Corporate Communication KOL 速成班 Political Sciences and Public Administration 政治及公共行政 265 Certificate for Module (Political Psychology) Certificate for Module (China’s Foreign Policy and Relations) Certificate for Module (Introduction to Governance and Public Administration) Certificate for Module (Wars and Rebellions in Late Qing Dynasty) 266 Certificate for Module (The Second Sino-Japanese War 1931-1945) Certificate for Module (Hong Kong in the Second World War 1941-1945) Certificate for Module (Chinese Politics) Certificate for Module (Hong Kong Politics) 267 Certificate for Module (Governance in Greater China: Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau) Executive Certificate in Strategic Communication in Public Policy and Election Campaign Executive Certificate in Political PR and Social Media Communication Senior Executive Diploma in Political Leadership Psychology & Counselling 心理學及輔導 268 Advanced Diploma in Applied Social Sciences Advanced Certificate in Counselling Advanced Certificate in Psychology Advanced Certificate in Life Coaching 269 Certificate in Cognitive Psychology Certificate in Positive Psychology Certificate for Module (Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy) Certificate for Module (Psychology of Life in the New Normal) Executive Certificate in Applied Psychology 270 Introduction to Counselling 精神健康急救及脫身法課程 心理學導論(一) 心理學導論(二) 異常心理學導論 教育心理學導論 正向心理學-啟發潛能及心理素質之道 組織心理學 Consumer Psychology 271 Occupational Health Psychology Exploring the Applications of Psychology 動機式訪談法:基本訓練工作坊 身心語言程式學(NLP)與情緒處理的藝術 夢境分析入門 繪畫心理分析工作坊 兒童情緒智商教練學 272 正向親職心理學(幼兒篇) 遊戲治療 - 家長工作坊 生涯規劃(親子篇) 靜觀入門課程 人本領導學系列 - 高效溝通工作坊 人本領導學系列 - 身心語言程式學和正向心理導向 人本領導學系列 - 遊戲化培訓 人本領導學系列 - 引導式教練工作坊 Social Sciences 社會科學 273 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Social Sciences Principles and Practice of Negotiation Skills 優勢演說