2024 Spring Prospectus

Programme Index 課程索引 036 Business Communication & Public Speaking Skills Through Theatre-Based Voice & Stage Speech Training Executive Charisma, Presentation and Communication Capability through the Study of Acting Supply Chain and Logistics Management 供應鏈管理 126 Postgraduate Diploma in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management 127 Bachelor of Science (Honours) International Supply Chain and Shipping Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Maritime Business (Logistics) Professional Diploma in Business Logistics Management Professional Diploma in Business Logistics Management (China e-Business) Professional Diploma in Business Logistics Management (Smart Procurement) 128 Certificate in Shipping and Logistics Certificate for Module (Smart Information Technologies for Logistics) Certificate for Module (New Normal in Supply Chain and Logistics Industry) Executive Certificate in Digitalization and New Technology in Logistics Workplace Psychology and Well-being 職場心理學及健康 129 Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management and Business Psychology Certificate for Module (Behavioural Approach to Conflict Resolution and Negotiation) Certificate for Module (Business Psychology in Human Resource Management) Certificate for Module (Culture and Change Management) Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management and Workplace Psychology 130 Certificate for Module (Employee Engagement and Communication Skills) Certificate for Module (The Psychology of Motivation, Leadership and Employee Well-being) Certificate for Module (The Psychology of People, Work and the Organisation) Chinese Medicine 中醫學 Acupuncture and Tui-Na 針灸及推拿 131 針灸學理論證書 針灸學文憑 針灸學高等文憑 推拿學證書 132 推拿學文憑 推拿學高等文憑 現代針灸康復深造文憑 Diploma in Clinical Acupuncture 中醫養生保健文憑(物理療法) 保健推拿基礎證書 133 證書(單元:負壓罐法與刮痧的養生保健療法) 證書(單元:小兒推拿技術與中醫臨床應用) 證書(單元:傳統針法現代應用及鄭魁山針灸經驗傳承) 證書(單元:實用小兒推拿) 針灸養顏抗早衰 強身保健說腧穴 中醫網絡持續專業進修課程 Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance 中醫藥保健 134 中醫學高等文憑 實用中醫學高等文憑(中醫美容學) 135 實用中醫學高等文憑(中醫營養學) 證書(單元:健康管理基礎知識) 證書(單元:中醫藥入門) 證書(單元:常見都市病健康管理) 證書(單元:痛症健康管理) 證書(單元:女性健康管理) 證書(單元:金色人生健康管理) 136 證書(單元:兒童及青少年健康管理) 證書(單元:中醫藥膳入門) 證書(單元:產後調養) 證書(單元:健康糕點工作坊) 證書(單元:中藥美容護膚品工作坊) 證書(單元:道家養生氣功之六字訣與洗髓金經) 中醫茶療學文憑 137 證書(單元:中國茶療法) 證書(單元:中醫藥膳工作坊) 證書(單元:中醫藥膳甜品茶飲) 證書(單元:亞健康與中醫藥調養) Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutics 中藥學 138 中藥鑒定專業實踐證書 中藥配劑證書 中藥配劑高等文憑 中醫藥學基礎(高中應用學習)證書 證書(單元:常用中成藥知識與應用) 證書(單元:中藥鑒定技術訓練) Traditional Chinese Medicine 中醫 139 中醫學深造文憑(疼痛學) 中醫學深造證書(腫瘤學) 中醫學深造證書(臨床婦科學) 中醫專業實踐證書(西方醫學婦產科學) 證書(單元:中醫進修之常見運動損傷及勞損的西醫診斷與治療) 中醫整脊學 140 超聲波診斷應用 證書(單元:兒科病中醫臨床診療精修) 證書(單元:皮膚病中醫六經辨治) 中醫網絡持續專業進修課程 Computing and Data Science 電腦運算及數據科學 Advanced Technology and Computing 先進科技及電腦運算 142 Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security 證書(單元:進階雲計算技術) 證書(單元:用戶體驗/用戶界面基礎) Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology Postgraduate Diploma in e-Health Informatics Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (IT/IS Project Management) 143 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Computer Networks and Security Advanced Diploma in Business Information Technology Certificate in Business Information Technology Certificate in Applied Machine Learning Foundation Certificate in Cloud Computing Architecture 144 Certificate for Module (AI Robotics and Vision Programming) Certificate for Module (Agile Project Management and Practice) 證書(單元:基礎雲計算技術) 證書(單元:雲計算元素) Certificate for Module (Professional Examination Preparatory Course for CISA Examination) Executive Certificate in Records Management Android Application Development 145 Managing IT Projects in Government Preparatory Courses for BSc Computer Science (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) Cyber Security 網絡保安 145 BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Cyber Security) Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security 電腦鑑證科技(高中應用學習)證書 Data Science 數據科學 146 MSc Artificial Intelligence MSc Internet of Things Advanced Diploma in Big Data Analytics and Applications