2024 Spring Prospectus

Part III 丙部:Qualifications & Employment 學歷及就業資料 ( Applicable for applying to an award-bearing or professional programme 申請學歷頒授及專業課程適用) Qualifications 學歷 ( In chronological order 請順序列出) Please state qualifications relevant to the programme/course entry requirements you are applying for, and attach proof of qualifications specified in the requirements of the individual programme/course. 請填寫申請報讀課程所需的學歷,並根據個別課程需要,另附學歷證明。 Examination/Awarding Institution 考試/頒授學歷機構 Subject/Degree Awarded 學科/獲頒授學位 Grade 成績 Date of Award 頒授日期 Employment 就業資料 ( In chronological order 請順序列出) Please state your current employment, and your past working experience relevant to the programme/course entry requirements you are applying for, and attach proof of qualifications specified in the requirements of the individual programme/course. 請填寫現職及與申請報讀課程有關的過往工作經驗,並根據個別課程需要,另附證明。 Name of Company 機構名稱 Position 職位 Full-time/Part-time 全職/兼職 Date (From/To) 日期 ( 由/至) P.2