2024 Spring Prospectus

December 2023 Application for Enrolment Form 報名表 SF26 Please complete this part 請填妥本欄 Name 姓名 Address 地址 P.1 Name 姓名 Contact No. 聯絡電話 Programme/Course No. 課程編號 For applicants not holding a Lifelong Learner Card 適用於未持有終身學員證之申請人 Please affix a recent colour photo (in plain background) of the applicant for producing the Lifelong Learner Card. 請貼上申請人之彩色近照一張 ( 照片背景必須無任何裝飾) 以作印製終身學員證用途 45mm x 55mm Application Code 報名代碼 Programme/Course Title 課程名稱 Currency 貨幣 Fee 費用 Part I 甲部:Application Details 報讀課程資料 ( Applicable to both NEW and PAST students 新生及舊生適用) Part II 乙部:Other Personal Particulars 其他個人資料 ( Applicable only to NEW students or PAST students who have an update on their personal information 新生或需要更改個人資料之舊生適用) Title 稱謂 □ Mr 先生 □ Ms 女士 Student Name in English and Chinese (Name as appeared on H.K.I.D. card or passport) 英文及中文姓名 ( 香港身分證或護照上的姓名) Nationality 國籍 Given Names 英文名字 Family Name 英文姓氏 (If ‘No’, see Notes to Non-local Applicants) ( 如填寫「否」,請細閱非本地申請人注意事項) Permanent HK Resident 香港永久性居民 □ Yes 是 □ No 否 Name in Chinese 中文姓名 Mobile Phone 流動電話 Holders of H.K.I.D card must fill in their H.K.I.D No. 香港身分證持有人必須填寫香港身分證號碼 H.K.I.D./Passport No. 香港身分證/護照號碼 HKU SPACE Student No. (If any) 學生證號碼(如有) Please continue to next page 請繼續填寫下頁 For Office Use 由本學院填寫 Admitted 取錄 Rejected 不取錄 Waiting List 後補名單 Receipt No. 收據編號: □ HK 香港 □ KLN 九龍 □ NT 新界 Emergency Contact Person 緊急聯絡人 In case of emergency, we may need to contact your family or friend. Please suggest. 如遇上緊急事故,我們或需聯絡你的家人或朋友,請提供聯絡人資料。 Email Address 電郵地址 Contact Person 聯絡人 Phone 電話 Date of Birth 出生日期 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年 Estate, Street/Road 屋苑, 街道 District (e.g. Wan Chai, Kwun Tong, etc.) 地區(如灣仔、觀塘) Room/Flat 室 Floor 樓 Block, Building 座, 大廈 Correspondence Address 通訊地址 □ Residential 住址 □ Business 公司 Please complete all relevant parts in BLOCK LETTERS and with BLACK PEN. Local past students/Lifelong Learner Card holders without any change in personal particulars are required to complete Part I only (for applying to a general/short course) and Part I & III (for applying to an award-bearing or professional programme).H.K.I.D. card or passport number is required for student record purposes. Local applicants for award-bearing programmes are required to present their H.K.I.D./passport for verification if applying in person or attach a copy of their H.K.I.D. or passport if applying by post. For non-local applicants for all courses/programmes, as their visa/entry permit status may be subject to changes from time to time, and if they select to apply in person, are required to have their H.K.I.D. (if issued) and passport/visa documents photocopied by learning centre staff to facilitate verification. Non-local applicants applying by post are required to attach a copy of their H.K.I.D. (if issued) and passport/visa documents. 請用黑色原子筆以正楷填寫有關部分。本地舊生或持有終身學員證人士,如沒更改個人資料,只需填寫甲部(申請短期及興趣課程者)或甲及丙部(申請學歷頒授及專業課程 者)。申請人必須填寫香港身分證或護照號碼以作學員記錄之用。學歷頒授及專業課程的本地申請人,如親身報名,須出示身分證/護照以核實身分;如以郵遞方式報名,則 須附以身分證或護照副本以供本學院核對之用。基於其簽證/入境通行證狀況可能不時有所改變,所有課程的非本地申請人若選擇親身報名,教學中心職員會為其香港身分 證(如曾獲發)及護照/簽證文件作影印記錄,以供核實用途。非本地申請人如以郵遞方式報名,須附以香港身分證(如曾獲發)及護照/簽證文件副本以供本學院核對之用。