For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.017) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 031 圖像說明於第031頁 261 Social Sciences 社會科學 Media & Communication 媒體及傳播學 紀錄片製作證書 課程編號:MC004A 報名代碼:2180-MC004A 3762 0868 紀錄片是一種獨特的藝術形式,除了記錄各類型的個人及社會活動,亦讓製作人表達 其願景及對事物的獨特見解。紀錄片無論在記錄歷史、洞察世情及喚起民眾關心各項 社會議題等方面都有重要的意義及貢獻。課程教授紀錄片的歷史和傳統,以及紀錄片 製作的基礎知識。學員透過觀賞及討論各類型的紀錄片,學習各項製作知識及技巧。 申請人應該: (一)於香港中學會考考獲3科E級及中國語文科和英國語文科考獲第2級或以上的成績*;或 (二)於香港中學文憑考試考獲五科第2級或以上的成績(包括中國語文科及英國語文科);或 (三)成功完成毅進文憑#課程。 申請人若持有其他同等資格,學院將按表個別情況考慮。申請人或須參加面試及筆試。 HK$13,900 報名費用:HK$150 33日 粵語輔以英語 資歷架構級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:15/000097/L3 資歷名冊登記有效期:2015年1月26日 - 持續有效 社交網絡新趨勢及營銷計劃 課程編號:MEDS9001 報名代碼:2180-1267NW 3762 0868 不爭的事,網絡社交媒體的崛起,大大改變了人與人,機構與受眾的溝通模式。網 絡社交已成為生活的一部份,同時也對公關及企業傳訊,以致商業營銷模式帶來了 新的衝擊及機會。本課程旨在透過探索網絡社交媒體的發展趨勢,啟發學員如何善 用網絡社交媒體以作為新時代的公關,企業傳訊以致營銷方法。 HK$1,390 5日 粵語輔以英語 微電影大故事 課程編號:FILM9001 報名代碼:2180-1270W 3762 0868 微電影已發展及轉變成新一代重要的行銷工具。本課程旨在探索戲劇的元素、角色 人物性格、劇本結構和對話,讓學員瞭解怎樣利用影像帶出故事,以及如何把品牌 精神與價值融入故事之中。學員將透過導師講解、研究劇本及影視作品,以及自行 寫作,從而掌握微電影的創作技巧。 劇本創作初學者 HK$2,370 10日 粵語輔以英語 Progression Path for Culture, Communication and Media programmes awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique awarded by UK universities* BA Mass Communications, Advertising & Public Relations (Duration: 14 months) OR Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Production [leading to the award Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Production (Creative Content)] (Duration: 24 months) OR BA (Hons) Contemporary Media Cultures (Duration: 24 months; Full-time) awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE Advanced Diploma in Communication and Culture (Duration: 20 months) * BA Mass Communications, Advertising & Public Relations awarded by Edinburgh Napier University; Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Production (Creative Content) awarded by University of the West of England, Bristol; BA (Hons) Contemporary Media Cultures awarded by University of the Arts London. Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique Programme Code: DP012A Application Code: 2045-DP012A 2910 7607 The Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique programme aims to develop students’ critical understanding of media and cultural institutions, ideologies and policies and their relationships with social and economic reality. This programme provides a grounding in the media and then visual, socio-cultural and economic content, and makes it possible for graduates to further study in media and cultural studies, creative industries, media management and advertising. Applicants should 1. (a) hold a bachelor’s degree in areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, IT or Business, or equivalent, awarded by a recognised institution; or (b) (i) hold a sub-degree or higher diploma awarded by a recognised institution; and (ii) have two years of recognised professional experience; AND 2. obtain a score of 6.5 in IELTS (no band less than 6.0), or equivalent (for those graduated from institutions where English is not the medium of instruction). Applicants with other qualifications will be considered on individual merit. HK$39,000 per programme Application Fee: HK$150 7 months English Level 6 (Reg. No.: 10/000058/6) Validity Period: 01 Sep 2010 - on-going