021 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Academic Policy Statement in Relation to Generative AI in Teaching and Learning The policy of the School in relation to the use of artificial intelligence tools is as follows: First of all, the passing off of work produced by AI as one’s own without acknowledgement is regarded as plagiarism and will be penalised (please refer to the academic regulations in this context). This applies to all programmes. Secondly, all curricula at HKQF Level 4 and above will include content on the proper and ethical use of AI which is important both from an educational perspective and from the perspective of potential future employers who will expect graduates to be familiar with the proper use and applications of AI. Thirdly, in order to support students and teachers (full time and part time in both cases) the School will make available links and access to AI tools via the SOUL platform so that they can become familiar with their use in their work for the School. Fourthly, in this context, it should be noted that these tools provided by the School should only be used for their academic work in the School and not for any other purposes. 有關在教與學使用生成式人工智能的學術政策聲明 學院使用人工智能工具的政策如下: 首先,學生在沒有鳴謝或注明出處的情況下,將人工智能生成的內容冒充為 自己的作品將被視作抄襲行為,並將受到處分(請參考相關學術規例)。這適 用於所有課程。 其次,所有資歷架構第四級或以上的課程將包括正確及合乎道德地使用人工 智能的內容。不管從教育角度或潛在未來僱主角度來看,這點都非常重要, 尤其後者更會期望畢業生熟悉人工智能的正確用途和應用。 第三,為支援全日制和兼讀制的學生及老師,學院將通過SOUL網上學習管 理系統提供人工智能工具的連結及使用權限,以便他們在為學院工作時能夠 熟悉這些工具的使用。 第四,在此情況下需要注意的是,學院所提供的人工智能工具只能應用於在 校的學術工作,而不得用於任何其他目的。 Information for Students Students should note that while their views will be taken into account, the School, in order to maintain academic integrity, reserves the final right of decision in academic matters, particularly in terms of the curriculum, assessment and management of teaching arrangements. The School also has expectations of student behaviour in its learning centres, such that students will act in a respectful and courteous manner in observing the School’s regulations. By accepting the offer of admission to the School’s courses, students also accept that they will abide by the School’s rules and regulations and its disciplinary procedures. 學生須知 本學院一向樂於廣納學員的意見,但為確保學術整體發展一致,學院對課 程、評估、教學等學術方面的安排,保留最終決定權。學員須遵守校規及紀 律,在教學中心內,行為須端正有禮。當學員接受學院取錄,即代表學員同 意並遵守學院的校規及紀律程序。 Class schedules – Where feasible, teachers, start dates and teaching venues of a course (other than at the Community College) are advertised in this Prospectus. Every effort is made to ensure that programmes are delivered in accordance with the information advertised. However, the School reserves the right to make changes if necessary, and students will be duly informed of these changes. For the Community College, the start dates and teaching venues of a course are announced via Student Notices on the Learner Portal. – If information on the teaching venue is not yet known within three days of the start date of the course, please check with the relevant programme staff. – Unless special arrangements are made, there are no classes on: • All public holidays and the Mid-Autumn Festival (evening) • Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve (afternoon and evening), Lunar New Year’s Eve (afternoon and evening) • HKU Foundation Day (16 March) – In cases of unexpected circumstances in class administration such as cancellation of classes, the School will send urgent messages via SMS supplemented by other means such as email (if the need arises), to students for their immediate attention. Students with genuine difficulty in receiving urgent messages by SMS should contact the programme teams for separate arrangements before the commencement of the programme. 上課安排 – 在可行情況下,導師、開課日期及上課地點(附屬學院除外)將刊登於課 程手冊內,學院將盡量按手冊內所列的資料安排課程,惟學院保留在有 需要的情況下作出改動的權利,學員將獲另行通知。附屬學院課程的開 課日期及上課地點於學員網站內的Student Notices公布。 – 如在開課前三天仍未知悉上課地點,請與有關學科負責人聯絡。 – 除特別安排外,學院在下列日期暫停授課: • 所有公眾假期及中秋節(晚上) • 聖誕前夕、公曆新年前夕(下午及晚上)及農曆新年前夕(下午及晚上) • 香港大學奠基日(3月16日) – 如遇有關課堂安排更改等的緊急情況,學院將向學生發放電話短訊,或 在有需要時以其他方式,如電子郵件,以作通知。如 閣下對接收電話 短訊通知遇有困難,請在開課前聯絡課程組,以便作適當安排。 Medium of instruction Unless stated otherwise, courses will be conducted in the language specified in the Prospectus. Some courses will be conducted in English supplemented with Chinese, or in Chinese supplemented with English. Generally speaking programmes at QF level 4 and above will be in English unless otherwise indicated. The language of the assessment, where it is not specified, will be the language published in the Prospectus/Programme Handbook. Please consult the programme staff if you have any doubts. 教學語言 除非另行說明,課程手冊內用作介紹課程資料的語言將為該課程的授課語 言,部分以英語授課的課程將以中文輔助教學,或部分以中文授課的課程將 以英語輔助教學。一般情況下,資歷架構四級及以上的課程均用英語授課。 若沒有特別說明,課程手冊內用以介紹課程的語言,將為該課程用以評核的 語言。如有任何疑問,可向有關學科課程負責人查詢。 Blended learning guidelines The School has introduced Blended Learning Guidelines among award-bearing programmes, which is a blended learning approach combining face-to-face classroom teaching and e-learning features. The set of guidelines also provides directions for programmes to include advanced e-learning approaches for enriching the total learning experience. 混合教學模式指引 學院已推出混合教學模式指引,目的為定義學銜課程中推行之面授教學和網 上學習結合的混合教學模式。指引亦予各課程提供涵括進階網上學習之教學 方針,從而豐富整體學習體驗。 Online learning management system SOUL is an online learning management system which is available to all HKU SPACE learners and instructors for collaboration through various online learning activities e.g. Forum and Interactive exercise. The system also serves as a mechanism for instructors to evaluate and provide feedback to students for improving their studies. We also provide services to learners, instructors and staff from HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College. 網上學習管理系統 SOUL 網上學習系統可供香港大學專業進修學院的學員透過不同網上學習活 動,例如論壇及互動式練習等功能,以促進交流和協作學習。系統亦提供導 師對學員進行評估及反饋的機制,以幫助學員掌握學習狀況並提升水平。我 們亦為香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院的學員、導師和員工提 供服務。 Academic Matters 學術方面的安排