079 Architecture, Environment & Housing 建築、房屋及建造環境 For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 hkuspace.hku.hk Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.017) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 031 圖像說明於第031頁 Alternative Dispute Resolution 非訴訟式紛爭解決方法 證書(單元:調解實務) 課程編號:HB030A S 報名代碼:2255-HB030A 2508 8862 priscilla.lau@hkuspace.hku.hk 完成此40小時的課程後當符合香港調解資歷評審協會有限公司(HKMAAL) 認可的 第一階段訓練,學員可進一步報考HKMAAL的第二階段模擬調解考試,以獲取認 可綜合調解員的資格。 持有認可大學頒發的學士學位或其他同等學歷(報讀人士需提供學歷證明)。 HK$16,000 3個星期 粵語,輔以英語 資歷架構級別:6 資歷名冊登記號碼:14/003658/L6 資歷名冊登記有效期:2015年3月13日 - 持續有效 Certificate for Module (Mediation) Programme Code: HB048A S Application Code: 2190-HB048A 2508 8862 priscilla.lau@hkuspace.hku.hk The programme aims to provide students with a broad understanding of the principles and guided practices in the procedural elements in mediation. It intends to equip students to play a significant role in conducting a mediation session. On completion of the programme, students should be able to: - distinguish the merits of mediation, and the range and limitations of various methods of mediation and negotiation; - identify issues in scenarios where mediation is applicable and formulate strategies to resolve a dispute by mediation; and - communicate with parties effectively and manage and control the stages of mediation. Successful completion of the 40-hour course is recognized by the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL) as meeting Stage 1 training requirement. Students need to complete two further satisfactory assessments or conduct two actual mediations to be accredited as General Panel of Mediator. Applicants shall hold a bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized university or equivalent qualification. If the degree or equivalent qualification is from an institution where the language of teaching and assessment is not English, applicants shall provide evidence of English proficiency such as: - an overall band of 6.0 or above with no subtests lower than 5.5 in the IELTS; or - a score of 550 or above in the paper-based TOEFL, or a score of 213 or above in the computer-based TOEFL, or a score of 80 or above in the internet-based TOEFL; or - HKALE Use of English at Grade E or above; or - HKDSE Examination English Language at Level 3 or above; or equivalent qualifications. Applicants with other qualifications will be considered on individual merit. HK$16,000 3 weeks English Level 6 (Reg. No.: 23/000764/L6) Validity Period: 01 Oct 2023 - on-going 職間調解與衝突管理1.0 課程編號:DRES9018 S 2508 8862 priscilla.lau@hkuspace.hku.hk 在職場中,同事間經常會發生工作程序的不同觀點、要求資源分配的差異及工作分 工的分歧等現象,如果未能妥善處理,往往會演變成職間衝突,隨之而來的負面影 響可能導致同事之間的互不信任和疏離。當職場氣氛惡化,自然會影響整個團隊的 合作與生產力,同時亦會影響個人工作表現,甚或增加個人的壓力和焦慮,進而為 公司帶來負面影響,令公司的業務和形象受損。 本課程旨在不限於培訓管理層的經理及領導,一般級別的員工和同事亦適合參加。 課程內容包括如何有信心和有效地處理工作上之分歧,防止讓分歧惡化為衝突,引 致公司和員工無謂的損失。 本課程適合公司內部處理員工間的問題的人士、人力資源管理人員、市場營銷從業員、公司 主管和對職間心理輔導有興趣的人士參加。報名人士須已完成資歷架構第四級別或以上的課 程。 HK$7,000 3個星期 粵語 調解入門之投訴處理 課程編號:DRES9005 S 2508 8862 priscilla.lau@hkuspace.hku.hk 香港經濟由服務性行業主導,管理人員經常需要處理投訴,此課程教授學員如何處 理投訴,有助應付日常工作所需,技巧亦可應用於生活不同範疇。 HK$1,200 1日 粵語 提昇企業領袖才能;奠下企業成功基石 課程編號:DRES9014 S 2508 8862 priscilla.lau@hkuspace.hku.hk 是次課程中,導師會分析不妥善解決的職場衝突會如何演化成企業的危機,對企業 產生的潛在成本及影響,與及最終如何妨礙企業的發展和營運效率。另外導師亦會 示範有才能的領袖如何透過調解的技巧,讓員工從衝突對抗的立場轉化為協作及解 決問題的態度。 HK$1,380 1日 調解技巧︰提昇醫護人員處理投訴和 職間衝突 課程編號︰DRES9017 S 2508 8862 priscilla.lau@hkuspace.hku.hk 是次課程中,導師會分析職場衝突的成因,如何演化成部門或機構的危機。繼而讓 學員練習不同的調解技巧處理投訴和職間同事的衝突。 HK$1,500 1日 Representing Your Organization in Mediation Programme Code: DRES9004 S 2508 8864 wella.chau@hkuspace.hku.hk After the implementation of Civil Justice Reform in Hong Kong, most disputants have to attend mediation meeting before their cases are presented in the court and executives are often required to represent their own organization in the mediation. Good preparation is half way to success and executives have to prepare for a successful mediation meeting whenever dispute arises. HK$680 1 day Mediation Skills Enhancement Course Programme Code: DRES9001 2508 8864 wella.chau@hkuspace.hku.hk Graduates of the Mediation Practice course might plan to obtain accreditation as a member of the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL) General Panel of mediators. This skills enhancement course provides chances of practice coached by experienced mediators. HK$3,200 2 days