005 About the School 有關學院 History The University of Hong Kong’s Department of Extra Mural Studies (DEMS) was established in 1956/57, the first continuing education unit in a university in the region. DEMS played a significant role in the University’s provision of lifelong learning opportunities for the wider community and, in 1992, it was renamed as the School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE). The University has a recognised role in lifelong learning and, as the continuing education arm of the University, HKU SPACE fulfils this part of the University’s mission by providing learning opportunities for personal, professional and career advancement for people from all walks of life. With some 900 full-time staff members and around 2,000 part-time teachers, HKU SPACE is one of the leading local providers in continuing education. Course enrolments since 1957 have exceeded 3.3 million, with annual course enrolment of over 100,000 in 2022/23, representing a full-time equivalent student load of 20,610. The School collaborates closely with the other faculties and departments of the University to offer timely and relevant courses that meet society’s needs to update education and skills for the knowledge economy. The global dimension is also important and the School has an extensive network of international universities with whom it collaborates. 歷史悠久 於1956/57年,香港大學成立亞太地區首個致力提供終身學習機會的校外課 程部,並於1992年正式易名為香港大學專業進修學院。作為香港大學的一 員,學院秉承大學重視終身學習的理念,為社會各界提供有助個人、專業發 展的進修機會。 擁有約900名全職員工及約2,000名兼職導師,香港大學專業進修學院在 本港的持續教育界擔當領導角色。自創校以來,報讀學院課程人次已逾 330萬,於2022/23年,報讀人次超越100,000,相當於20,610名全日制 學生。學院將繼續與香港大學的其他學系及部門緊密合作,提供最切合知識 型經濟社會需要的課程。學院深明與國際接軌的重要,現有的龐大國際學府 網絡,有助發展國際化課程。 Quality support for learners A hallmark of the HKU SPACE programmes is that they are designed and managed by the full-time academic staff of the School and supported by the excellent corps of part-time teachers. The School’s Quality Assurance mechanisms have been reviewed by the University as well as by external agencies and have been described as “exemplary”. The School, in its Strategic Plan, has committed itself to being a quality provider in terms of its academic programmes as well as in providing quality support to students through good teaching and well-designed learning centre facilities. The information age has brought exciting new learning possibilities. The School has developed a webbased, online learning platform, SOUL 3.0, to provide students and teachers with an effective means of communicating with each other for teaching and learning purposes. SOUL mobile learning services are also provided to support students and teachers for ubiquitous learning. The School is also actively extending its range of e-courses to provide high flexibility to learners in the online learning arena. In 2023, the School introduced Microcredentials as short for credit courses which earn a digital badge and which can be stacked for a certificate as diploma award. Most of the Microcredentials are CEF eligible. 優質學習支援 學院開辦的課程均由全職教員設計及管理,並由優秀的兼職教師團隊教授。 學院的學術質素保證機制經過香港大學內部及校外機構評審,獲評為業界典 範。學院在發展策略中亦訂下明確目標,致力為學員提供優質課程、專業教 學及完善設備,以實踐學院作為具質素服務保證院校的承諾。現今資訊科技 發展迅速,為學習帶來更多可能性。學院開發的網上學習平台 SOUL 3.0,有 助強化老師與學員間教與學的網絡互動效益;而SOUL流動應用程式令學員 和教師可更靈活及有效地教與學。學院正積極開拓更多元網上課程,為在線 學習的學員提供高度靈活性。於2023年,學院推出微證書課程,它是短期的 學分制課程,學員可累積學分獲取證書或文憑資歷,並獲授予數碼徽章。大 部份微證書課程都屬於持續進修基金資助課程。