Programme Index 課程索引 042 日語證書(高中級) 日語證書(高級) Upper Advanced Japanese I Upper Advanced Japanese II 236 證書(單元:日本政治及經濟入門) 證書(單元:日本戰國時代) 證書(單元:撫子十人十色 - 具影響力的日本女性) Executive Certificate in Chinese/Japanese and Japanese/Chinese Translation 電影與電視中學習日語 商務日語(閱讀及書寫) 地理中的日本文化 日本語能力試驗 N1 對策班 日本語能力試驗 N2 對策班 日本語能力試驗 N3 對策班 日本語能力試驗 N4 對策班 234 日本語能力試驗 N5 對策班 楽々日本語会話(2) 楽々日本語会話(4) 楽々日本語会話(6) 日本花道 I 日本花道 II 網上日語入門 1 網上日語入門 2 Korean 韓語 238 Introductory Korean (Part 1) Introductory Korean (Part 2) 基礎韓語 1 基礎韓語 2 中級韓語 1 中級韓語 2 高級韓語 1 高級韓語 2 深造韓語 1 239 深造韓語 2 證書(單元:韓國文化入門) 韓國語能力試驗(TOPIK)對策班(Level 3-4) 韓國語能力試驗(TOPIK)對策班(Level 5-6) Advanced Korean Workshop 2 網上韓語入門 1 網上韓語入門 2 網上基礎韓語 1 網上基礎韓語 2 Other Languages 其他語言 240 Certificate for Module (Islam and Arab Culture) Certificate for Module (Islamic Economy and Business Etiquette) Online Beginners’ Arabic 1 Beginners’ Arabic Beginners’ Arabic 2 241 Beginners’ Arabic 3 Beginners’ Hebrew Online Beginners’ Latin 1 Beginners’ Latin Beginners’ Greek Online Russian for Travel 1 242 Beginners’ Russian 泰語(1) 泰語(2) 泰語(3) 網上泰語 1 網上泰語 2 網上泰語 3 旅遊越南語 Basic Hindi Level 1 243 Basic Hindi Level 2 Basic Urdu Level 1 Translation 翻譯 243 Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Postgraduate Certificate in Translation Certificate for Module (Translation and Artificial Intelligence) Law 法律 Law-Related Courses 法律相關課程 244 Certificate for Module (PRC Consular Law and Practice) 香港法概論 Generative AI and Law (Online) Introduction to National Security Law (Online course) Introduction to Space Law and Policy (Online) Professional Law Courses 專業法律課程 246 Certificate in Legal Studies Diploma in Legal Studies Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies Advanced Diploma for Legal Executives (Graduate Level) Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (Common Professional Examination) 247 LLB (Hons) Hong Kong LLM in Legal Practice [Top-up Award] Certificate of Higher Education in Common Law Preparation Courses (University of London) Graduate Diploma in Commercial Law Preparation Courses (University of London) Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Preparation Courses (University of London) 248 Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Revision Courses (University of London) Online Preparatory Courses for PCLL Admission Conversion Examinations Preparatory Courses for PCLL Admission Conversion Examination Postgraduate Diploma in Disability Employment and Inclusion Postgraduate Diploma in Inclusive Education Leadership 249 Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Commercial Law Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Risk Management Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Law Postgraduate Diploma in FinTech and Legal Regulations Executive Diploma/Certificate in Legal Risk for Enterprise Risk Management Executive Diploma in Family and Succession Law IELTS Preparation for Law Students and Legal Executives Law School Advantage for Secondary School Students Law School Preparation Program (for future lawyers) Marketing 市場營銷學 Digital and Social Media Marketing 數碼及社交媒體推廣 250 MSc Digital and Social Media Marketing 251 Master of Science in Marketing with Digital Strategy Postgraduate Diploma in Digital and Social Media Marketing Certificate for Module (Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Marketing)