Part V 戊部:Survey 問卷調查 To help us understand your learning needs, please answer the following questions. Please note that the information you provide may be used to assist the School's research in continuing education. This part of the form is optional. 為使本學院了解學員的學習需要,請填妥以下問卷。你所提供的資料,可能作為本學院對持續教育研究之用。學員可根據個人意願決定填寫與否。 Please tick the appropriate boxes. 請在適當方格加上 號。 1. Your highest education level achieved 你的最高學歷程度:(Please select ONE only 請選擇其中一項) 1.001 □ Below Secondary 5 (HKCEE) 中五(香港中學會考)以下 1.006 □ Bachelor’s degree 學士學位 1.002 □ Secondary 5 (HKCEE) or equivalent 中五(香港中學會考)或同等程度 1.007 □ Postgraduate certificate / Postgraduate diploma 深造證書 / 深造文憑 1.003 □ Secondary 6 – 7 (HKAL) or equivalent 中六 – 中七(香港高級程度會考)或同等程度 1.008 □ Master’s degree 碩士學位 1.004 □ Secondary 6 (HKDSE) or equivalent 中六(香港中學文憑)或同等程度 1.009 □ Doctorate degree 博士學位 1.005 □ Associate degree / sub-degree / certificate / diploma 副學士 / 副學位或非學位證書 / 文憑 2. What are the most important factors for your choosing of the present course at HKU SPACE? 你選擇在香港大學專業進修學院修讀此課程,最重要的因素是什麼? Please select the THREE most important factors and rank them from “1” to “3”, with “1” as the most important. 請選擇3個最重要因素並以1至3排列,以1為最重要。 2.001 □ Good reputation of the institution 機構有良好聲譽 2.006 □ Good teaching and learning facilities 教學設備完善 2.002 □ A variety of courses to choose 有多種課程可供選擇 2.007 □ Convenient locations of learning centres 上課地點方便 2.003 □ High academic quality of the courses 課程的學術質素高 2.008 □ Reasonable course fees 學費合理 2.004 □ Qualification awarded are widely recognised 學歷被社會廣泛承認 2.009 □ Others 其他 (Please specify 請列明 : _____________________) 2.005 □ Good quality of teaching staff 導師質素高 3. Which channel(s) do you usually receive information on continuing education? 你通常透過以下哪個渠道獲得有關持續教育的資訊?(You can choose MORE THAN ONE 可作多項選擇) 3.001 □ School website & School eDirect Mail (eDM) 學院網站 / 學院電子郵件 3.008 □ eDirect Mail (eDM) 電子郵件 3.002 □ School prospectus / programme brochure 學院課程手冊 / 課程單張 3.009 □ Keyword search (SEM) 關鍵字搜尋 3.003 □ TV / radio advertising 電視 / 電台廣告 3.010 □ Seminar / Exhibition / School Open Day 講座 / 展覽 / 開放日 3.004 □ Newspaper / magazine advertising 報章 / 雜誌廣告 3.011 □ From the organisation currently working at 從現職機構獲得資訊 3.005 □ Transport / outdoor advertising 公共交通工具 / 戶外廣告 3.012 □ Office building 商業大廈派發點 3.006 □ Internet advertising 網站廣告 3.013 □ From friends / relatives 親朋推介 3.007 □ Mobile advertising 流動電話廣告 3.014 □ Others 其他 (Please specify 請列明 : _____________________) 4. Profession 行業: (You can choose MORE THAN ONE 可作多項選擇) 4.001 □ Accounting / Auditing 會計、核數 4.002 □ Administration / Secretarial / General Management 行政、秘書、一般管理工作 4.003 □ Advertising / Sales and Marketing / Customer Services 廣告、營銷及市場推廣、顧客服務 4.004 □ Architectural / Building & Construction / Project Engineering / City Planning 建築、建造、項目工程、城市規劃 4.005 □ Art / Creative / Design 藝術、創意行業、設計 4.006 □ Banking / Finance / Investment / Insurance 銀行、金融、投資、保險 4.007 □ Business Management 商業管理 4.008 □ Chinese Medicine 中醫藥 4.009 □ Community / Social Services 社會服務 4.010 □ Computer Science / Information Technology (IT) 電腦、資訊科技 4.011 □ Education 教育 4.012 □ Engineering / Machinery 工程、機械 4.013 □ Entertainment / Recreation / Sports 娛樂、康樂、體育管理 4.014 □ Environmental Sciences 環境科學 4.015 □ Food and Beverage 餐飲 4.016 □ Government / Public Utilities 政府部門、公共機構 4.017 □ Hospitality and Tourism 款客服務、旅遊 4.018 □ Housing / Property Management / Real Estate 樓宇、物業管理、地產 4.019 □ Human Resource / Training 人事、培訓 4.020 □ Legal 法律 4.021 □ Library Management 圖書管理 4.022 □ Logistics / Transportation 物流、運輸交通 4.023 □ Manufacturing 製造業 4.024 □ Media / Communications / Public Relations / Publishing / Translation 媒體、傳訊、公關、出版、翻譯 4.025 □ Medical / Health Care / Nutrition / Beauty 醫療、保健、營養、美容 4.026 □ Merchandising / Purchasing / Trading 採購、貿易 4.027 □ Retail / Wholesale 零售、批發 4.028 □ Science and Technology 科學及科技 4.029 □ Telecommunications 電訊 4.030 □ Others 其他 (Please specify 請列明:_____________________) 5. What are your area(s) of interest? 你對以下哪些課程範疇感興趣? (You can choose MORE THAN ONE 可作多項選擇) 5.001 □ Accounting and Finance 會計及金融 5.010 □ Healthcare, Sport and Wellness 健康護理、體育及健康 5.002 □ Architecture, Environment and Housing 建築、房屋及建造環境 5.011 □ Hospitality, Tourism and Events 款客、旅遊及活動 5.003 □ Arts, Design and Culture 藝術、設計及文化 5.012 □ Languages 語言 5.004 □ Aviation, Transport and Logistics 航空、交通及物流 5.013 □ Law 法律 5.005 □ Business and Management 商業及管理 5.014 □ Leadership Enhancement and Development 企業發展 5.006 □ Chinese Medicine 中醫學 5.015 □ Marketing 市場營銷學 5.007 □ Computing and Data Science 電腦運算及數據科學 5.016 □ Social Sciences 社會科學 5.008 □ Engineering and Science 工程及科學 5.017 □ Others 其他 (Please specify 請註明:_____________________) 5.009 □ Executive Education 行政人員專業課程 6. Is your employer giving you financial support towards the course you have applied for? 你的僱主是否贊助你修讀本課程? 6.001 □ Yes 是 6.002 □ No 否 7. Monthly personal income 個人每月收入: 7.001 □ $0 - $9,999 7.005 □ $30,000 - $39,999 7.002 □ $10,000 - $14,999 7.006 □ $40,000 - $ 49,999 7.003 □ $15,000 - $19,999 7.007 □ $50,000 or above 或以上 7.004 □ $20,000 - $29,999 End 問卷完 Thanks 謝謝 P.5 For Office Use Only 只供內部使用 Receipt No. 收據編號:___________________________________