P.3 Part IV 丁部:Other Relevant Information 其他相關資料 ( Applicable to NEW students or PAST students who have an update 新生或需更新其他相關資料之舊生適用) HKU SPACE Alumni 香港大學專業進修學院校友 Equal Opportunities for Learning at HKU SPACE 香港大學專業進修學院的平等學習機會 Statement on Collection of Personal Data 收集個人資料聲明 The School supports equal opportunity and strongly opposes discrimination/harassment. The document, “Studying in HKU SPACE” is available from the school Prospectus/ Website and sets out such policy more fully. It is the School policy to offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. To enable us to meet the needs of all students, you are invited to indicate on this form whether you require any special assistance. If you do need such assistance, the School may approach you subsequently to obtain further details so as to facilitate our planning and assess how best we can help you. 學院支持平等機會並强烈反對歧視/騷擾行為。在課程手冊/網頁刊載的【學在HKU SPACE】進一步闡述有關政策。 學院的方針就是為所有人士提供平等的學習機會。為了配合學生的需要,請在此報名表上說明你是否需要特殊的幫助。如有需要,學院將聯絡 閣下,以獲取更多相關資料及提供 更完善的服務。 Special assistance required 是否需要特殊的幫助 Yes 是 □ (if you check yes, you agree to give us further information on your special needs and consent to our further processing of your data 如選擇需要,閣下 同意提供進一步詳情及同意學院處理相關資料) No 否 □ All new enrolled students in the School will automatically receive a lifelong learner card which serves as the student card. It also confers eligibility to become an alumnus of HKU SPACE. If you DO NOT WISH to be an alumnus, please check this box. □ 本學院的註冊學生將自動獲發終身學員證為學生證。持證人可成為香港大學專業進修學院校友。如 閣下不想成為校友,請在方格內填上剔號。□ 1. It is necessary for applicants to supply their personal data and to provide all the information requested in the application documents, as otherwise the School may be unable to process and consider their applications. 2. The personal data provided to the school in this form will be used for processing your application for admission, and for registration, academic and administrative communication, alumni management and contacts, research, statistical and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes. The data will be solely handled by HKU SPACE staff but may be transferred to an authorised third party providing services to the School in relation to the above purposes and prescribed purposes as allowed by the law from time to time. 3. When the processing and consideration of all the applications for a particular programme have been completed: (a) the application papers of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed (if you have indicated to receive our promotional materials in Paragraph 6 then your contact details and opt-in consent would be retained for such purposes); and (b) the application papers of successful candidates will serve as part of the applicant’s official student records and will be handled by HKU SPACE staff or by staff of an authorised third party providing services to the School in relation to the stated purposes. In all such circumstances, please be assured that any personal information you supply will be kept strictly confidential. Personal data collected arising from any payment for this application may be retained as statutorily required and for processing refund, if necessary. 4. Upon enrolment, applicants will be required to submit a recent colour photo for student identification purpose. 5. The School will send urgent messages to students via Short Message Services (SMS) and supplement by other means such as email (if the need arises). It is therefore important that the mobile phone number and email address that the applicant provides are accurate. Any change should be reported to the School immediately. Those who have genuine difficulty in receiving urgent messages via SMS should contact the programme teams for separate arrangements. Use of Personal Data related to Direct Marketing 6. From time to time, the School will send the latest updates and promotional materials to applicants/students and alumni on the availability of the programmes and courses. This will also include seminars and events, discounts and offers, clinics and other services and fund-raising initiatives. Occasionally information from our parent University and fellow HKU subsidiaries may also be sent. Various communication channels will be employed such as direct-mail, email, mobile phone and other forms of social media, by using your personal data (including, but without limitation to, your name, contact details and other information collected in your profile such as the programme(s) you enrolled, your graduation year etc). You always have the right to make subsequent changes on your choice of receiving further marketing materials by sending a written unsubscribe request (by email or by post) to the School at any time. If you DO NOT WISH to receive our latest updates and promotional materials through the communication channels as stated above, including discounts and offers from time to time, please check this box. □ From time to time, the alumni office will send the latest updates to alumni members on the alumni events, privileges and offers, volunteering activities, and networking opportunities to you. Various communication channels such as direct-mail, email and mobile phone and other forms of social media, by using your personal data (including, but without limitation to, your name, contact details and other information collected in your profile such as the programme(s) you enrolled, your enrolment year etc). You always have the right to make subsequent changes on your choice if receiving further information for alumni by sending a written unsubscribe request (by email or by post) to the ALUMNI at any time. If you DO NOT WISH to receive our latest updates and promotional materials through the communication channels as stated above, including discounts and offers from time to time, please check this box. □ 7. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request the School to ascertain whether it holds your personal data, to be given a copy, and to apply for correction of the data, if deemed incorrect. Applications for access to personal data should be made by using a special request form and on payment of a fee. Such applications for access to information should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer, HKU SPACE (please quote “Data Access Request”). For general requests of personal data amendment, please fill out the “Application Form for Personal Data Amendment” and submit it to HKU SPACE. 8. For details on the School’s policy on personal data (privacy), please refer to the School Prospectus or Website ( 9. HKU SPACE, being part of the University of Hong Kong, the Personal Information Collection Statement and the Supplement in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation of the University also apply where applicable and can be accessed from and tpg/sites/default/files/GDPRPrivacyNotice_ApplicantsandStudents.pdf. Being in partnership with other overseas Universities, it also endeavours to comply to their laws and regulations as far as practicable. However, the School is obliged to maintain part of the students’ records in perpetuity for reasons stated in this PIC. 1. 申請人必須提供其個人資料及課程申請所需資料,否則本學院將不能有效處理其申請。 2. 在法律許可情況下,個人資料將會作入學申請、註冊、有關學術及行政通訊、校友事務及聯絡、研究、統計、市場分析及推廣(包括直接銷售)等用途。只有香港大學專業進修 學院職員才能處理有關資料,但亦可能會轉移到為學院提供有關服務的委託人處理。 3. 完成報名程序及課程註冊後,申請人如不獲取錄,其個人資料將會被銷毀(如申請人於以下第 6 項表明願意接收學院的推廣訊息,申請人的聯絡資料及同意接收學院推廣訊息 的記錄將保留作此等用途),獲取錄者的個人資料將會被留作學生記錄,只有香港大學專業進修學院職員或為學院提供有關服務的委託人才能處理有關檔案,而 閣下提供的所 有個人資料將絕對保密。報名付款時所收集的個人資料,則循法例規定留作相關用途,以及退款處理之用(如需要)。 4. 如獲取錄,申請人需呈交彩色近照一張以作學生證明之用。 5. 在緊急情況下,學院將向學生發放電話短訊,或在有需要時附以其他方式,如電子郵件,以作通知。請準確填寫有關資料以便聯絡。如有任何更改,請儘快向學院提出更新。 如 閣下對接收電話短訊通知遇有困難,請聯絡課程組,以便作適當安排。 個人資料用作直接銷售 6. 申請人提供的個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡方法及其他資料如曾報讀的課程、畢業年份等)將用作與學院溝通渠道,學院將透過信件、電子郵件、流動電話和其他社交媒體等為 申請人、學員和校友送 上學院的最新課程資料及推廣訊息,這些資訊亦將包括學院講座及活動、折扣優惠、診所服務及籌款活動等,當中亦可能包括香港大學或其附屬機構的 不定期資訊。 閣下可隨時以書面或電郵方式向學院 申明是否願意繼續接收有關資訊。 如不欲收到任何透過上述渠道發出的資訊,包括折扣優惠,請在方格內填上剔號。□ 申請人提供的個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡方法及其他資料如曾報讀的課程、畢業年份等)將用作與校友會溝通渠道,校友會將透過信件、電子郵件、流動電話和社交媒體等為學員和校 友送上校友會的最新資訊及推廣訊息,如校友會講座及活動、校友會會員尊享優惠、義工活動及校友聯誼等。 閣下可隨時以書面或電郵方式向校友會申明是否願意繼續接收有關資訊。 如不欲收到任何透過上述渠道發出的資訊,包括折扣優惠,請在方格內填上剔號。□ 7. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請人有權知悉學院有否保留其個人資料,同時亦可查閱、索取及更改其個人資料。申請人如欲查閱其個人資料,請填妥指定表格並交回本學院 個人 資料私隱主任(請註明“查閱資料要求”)。本學院將會酌情收取行政費用。如欲更改一般個人資料,請填妥「申請更改個人資料表格」並交回本學院。 8. 如欲了解本學院私隱政策的詳情,請參閱本學院的課程手冊或網頁(。 9. 本學院作為香港大學的一部分,大學的收集個人資料聲明及有關於通用數據保障條例之附加內容亦適用於本學院,詳情請參閱 pics.pdf 及只提供英文版本)。學院亦與海外院校合作,在可行範圍內當 遵從當地法律及條例處理相關個人資料,但學院仍需依循本院收集個人資料目的,保留某些項目作為永久學生記錄。