294 Full-time Programmes, Centres and Other Professional Activities 全日制課程、中心及其他專業活動 HKU SPACE Alumni & Foundation 香港大學專業進修學院校友會及基金 With the motto of “We Learn to Serve”, HKU SPACE ALUMNI was inaugurated on 27 June 2004. It is dedicated to the building of active and lifelong relationships amongst alumni members and between the School and the ALUMNI, whilst contributing to the promotion of adult education and lifestyle enrichment for the whole community. 香港大學專業進修學院校友會於2004年6月27日正式成立,校友會致力 在會員之間建立良好關係,加強會員與學院的聯繫,並向各界人士推廣 終身學習及「學以為人」的精神,讓會員活出更豐盛之人生,為社會作出 貢獻。 Membership and registration There are two types of membership: – Free for Ordinary Membership – HK$1,000 for Life Membership Current students are entitled to ordinary membership automatically following the launch of the Lifelong Learner Card in early 2007. They can apply for life membership to enjoy extra exclusive alumni services and benefits. Staff and past students of HKU SPACE are also welcome to join the ALUMNI as ordinary or life members. The ALUMNI organizes talks, networking activities and events for alumni regularly. For member registration and details on services and benefits, please visit the ALUMNI website at The HKU SPACE ALUMNI is going to celebrate its 20th Anniversary in 2024. The celebratory activities kicked off with the Alumni Week, featuring a range of engaging talks, visit and a series of other exciting activities organized by Subject Alumni Groups. One of the most highlights of the anniversary celebrations will be Gala Dinner, uniting alumni, faculty, staff, and distinguished guests in a commemoration of this significant milestone. 會籍及登記 校友會會籍分為以下兩類: – 普通會籍,免註冊費 – 永久會籍,註冊費為港幣1,000元正 自2007年初學院全面推出「終身學員證」開始,學院的註冊學生均自動 成為校友會普通會籍會員,校友亦可申請永久會籍,專享額外校友服務 及優惠。學院的教職員及舊生亦歡迎申請成為校友會會員。校友會除了 為校友舉辦講座及聯誼活動外,會員更可享有旅遊、飲食及優悠生活的 優惠。如欲登記成為校友會會員及查詢優惠詳情,請瀏覽校友會網頁:。 2024年是香港大學專業進修學院校友會成立的20週年,為了慶祝這個重 要的里程碑,我們將會舉辦一系列的慶祝活動,包括校友週期間的精彩 講座及參觀活動、以及校友組織舉辦的一系列精彩活動。當中以慶祝晚 宴為最大重點,屆時將匯聚校友、教職員工和傑出嘉賓,共同紀念這一 重要里程碑。 HKU SPACE Foundation In order to increase the support to HKU SPACE full-time students who are in financial needs, the “HKU SPACE Scholarship and Bursary Fund” was set up. The Fund aims to relieve the financial pressure of our fulltime students. With the support of the Fund, students can fully focus on studying to pursue their study goals, regain their confidence, excel in academic achievement and eventually articulate back to University. Through the first two years of University-mode elementary undergraduate education offered by the Community College, students who missed out on articulation will be well equipped for a brighter future. 香港大學專業進修學院基金 為讓更多經濟上有需要的香港大學專業進修學院全日制學生受惠及得到 援助,學院成立了「香港大學專業進修學院獎學金及助學金」。基金之成 立旨在紓緩全日制學生的財政壓力。受惠的學生得到助學金的支持,便 可專心學習,達成其學習目標,發揮所長。 透過兩年以大學學習模式為藍本的校園生活,香港大學附屬學院的學生 將打下堅實基礎,發揮個人所長及創造光明的未來。 Your donations could make a difference HKU SPACE is a completely self-financing institution and does not receive subsidies from the government. Out of the 8,900 full-time sub-degree students at our school in 2023/24, around 3,200 students required government financial assistance, out of which 507 are from families receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance. Many a mickle makes a muckle. Every dollar you give will make a difference to the development of the well-being of our younger generation. 己立立人 福澤社群 香港大學專業進修學院是一所自負盈虧的專上院校,學院於2023/24年 度的8,900名全日制學生中,大約3,200名學生需要申請領取政府資助, 並有507名學生來自綜援家庭。 積少成多,集腋成裘。您的每一分捐助,都會為學生帶來不一樣的人 生,讓他們得以實踐理想,貢獻社會。 Ways to make a difference Support from corporations and individuals are both welcome. For information about how you can help, please contact the Institutional Advancement Unit at 2910 7680 or email 捐助途徑 「香港大學專業進修學院基金」歡迎個人及商業機構的慷慨捐助。捐助 形式多樣化,歡迎向傳訊及拓展部查詢有關資料(電話:2910 7680; 電郵。