290 Full-time Programmes, Centres and Other Professional Activities 全日制課程、中心及其他專業活動 Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning The Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning was established in August 2018, and named after Ms. Maisy Ho BBS to honour her generous donation to HKU SPACE. The vision of the centre is to become a leading teaching and learning centre for professional and continuous education in Hong Kong by enhancing the pedagogical and technological skills and knowledge of the teachers at HKU SPACE and providing them with carefully curated induction training and professional development activities. The Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning also endeavours to develop discipline-specific pedagogy that targets both young adults (full-time learners) and working adults (part-time learners) through consultation with teaching practitioners of different disciplines, local and international professionals and academia. The centre also promotes good teaching and learning practices at HKU SPACE by reinforcing and enhancing its current quality assurance framework and process. In its goal to become a leading teaching and learning centre for professional education, the Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning organises conferences and a variety of talks, seminars and workshops. It also hosts a website which provides downloadable reference materials and recorded talks and lectures for teachers at HKU SPACE, both fulltime and part-time. The centre is also actively involved in the Programme Outcome Assessment exercise to enhance the current quality assurance process at HKU SPACE. Additionally, the centre administers the Outstanding Teacher Award each year in recognition of the efforts of exemplary teachers. 何超蕸教與學中心 何超蕸教與學中心於二零一八年八月正式成立,為了表彰何超蕸女士BBS 對香港大學專業進修學院的慷慨捐贈,本中心遂以何女士之名稱命名。本 中心的願景是成為香港專業和持續教育界別裡一流的教與學中心,改善本 學院教師的教學方法,增強教師的教學科技知識與運用,與及精心策劃教 師入職培訓和專業發展活動。本中心透過與不同學科的教學工作者、本地 和國際專業人員和學術界分享及交流,以年輕人(全日制學習者)和在職成 年人(兼讀制學習者)為對象,設計針對特定學科需要的教學法。本中心亦 透過加強和完善現有的學術質素保證架構和程序,來促進香港大學專業進 修學院的優質教與學體驗。 為了成為在專業教育裡一流的教與學中心,何超蕸教與學中心舉辦會議及 各種講座、研討會和工作坊,並設立網站為本學院的全職和兼職教師提供 可下載的參考資料和錄製的講座。本中心積極參與課程成效評核工作,以 加強本學院現有的學術質素保證程序。本中心亦舉辦年度「傑出教師獎」以 表彰和獎勵優秀的教師。 Centre for Logistics and Transport 物流及運輸課程中心 Centre for Logistics and Transport The logistics and transport industries are vital to the economy of Hong Kong. Supply Chain plays an important role in supporting trade and business. The Centre for Logistics and Transport was established with the aim of providing training and development for students and professionals, while maintaining close links with the industry to understand their requirements and sustain continuous growth. Through its Head and programme leaders, the Centre collaborates closely with professional bodies in organizing conferences, seminars, forums and visits, and offers advisory/consultancy services to the logistics and transport industries. The Centre has been appointed by the Secretary for Education to be the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Agency for the Logistics industry as well as Import and Export industry under HKQF with effect from March 2017 and September 2018 respectively. Head Dr. Dorothy T.F. Chan Hon FCILT, BBS 物流及運輸課程中心 運輸及物流業對本港的經濟至關重要。供應鏈在支持貿易和商業方面發 揮著重要作用。學院成立物流及運輸課程中心,旨在為業界培訓專業人 才,並與業界保持緊密聯繫,以配合其需求並使行業得以持續發展。透 過其總監及課程統籌主任,本中心與業內的專業團體合作舉辦研討會、 講座、論壇及參觀活動,同時為業界提供諮詢及顧問服務。物流及運輸 課程中心獲教育局局長委任為資歷架構下的物流業及進出口業「過往資 歷認可」評估機構,分別於2017年3月及2018年9月起為業界提供評估 服務。 總監 陳阮德徽博士 Hon FCILT, BBS 2975 5882 2508 6403 (transport) 2867 8393 2861 0278 (logistics and supply chain) Maisy Ho Centre for Teaching and Learning 何超蕸教與學中心