022 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE General Matters 一般事項 Academic Freedom As part of the University of Hong Kong, the School follows University Policies on Academic Freedom. A working definition of academic freedom in the form of an institutional declaration is as follows: 1. “Academic freedom refers to the freedom of academic institutions, structures and individuals to study, teach, research and publish without being subject to undue interference, free of any authority or standard other than the rational methods by which truth is established. The notion of academic freedom reflects the belief that it enhances the pursuit, transmission and application of knowledge, and as such may be supported by society through the funding of academics and their institutions. Academic freedom embodies an acceptance of the need to encourage openness and flexibility in academic work, and of the accountability of academics to each other and to the norms of cooperative pursuit of knowledge.” 2. A list of specific academic freedoms enjoyed by the University and its members with corresponding responsibilities can be found at https://www. hku.hk/about/policies_ reports/acad_freedom/acad.html 學術自由 作為香港大學的一員,學院嚴格遵循港大的學術自由政策。 按院校宣言,學術自由定義如下: 1. 「學術自由指學術機構、架構和個人學習、教學、研究及出版的自由,不 受任何權威或標準干預,並循理性方式建立真理。學術自由增強對知識 的追求、傳播及應用,故獲得社會支持,包括學術界及其機構的資助。 學術自由鼓勵開放和靈活的學術工作,亦促進了學者之間及合力追求知 識時的問責。」 2. 大學及其成員可享有一系列學術自由,並負上相關責任,詳情請參閱 https://www.hku.hk/about/policies_ reports/acad_freedom/acad.html (只提供英文版本)。 Civility in the Classroom Equally important values are honesty, integrity, decency, dignity, tolerance, respect, civility and trust. The School’s adherence to these values naturally means that the School rejects forms of behavior that are intolerant, abusive, bullying and violent. In terms of promoting civility on the campus (which includes in this context all HKU SPACE campuses and learning centres), the School is committed to ensure that transgression of the basic notions of civility listed above are not permitted. The first priority of the School is to provide a high quality, safe and stimulating learning environment for all our students, full-time and part-time. All students and teachers are asked to uphold this convention whilst in class so that all may give their uninterrupted attention to learning and thus ensure the smooth operation of the classroom environment so as to meet the learning objectives. Education is for all in a spirit of toleration and respect for each other. 課室禮儀 我們相信,誠實、正直、體面、尊嚴、包容、尊重、禮儀和信任同樣重要。 學院恪守以上文明價值,絕不認同不容異說、侮辱性、欺凌及暴力行為。 我們致力在學院(包括香港大學專業進修學院轄下所有校園及教學中心)內推 廣禮儀,並確保以上文明價值不受侵犯。 學院的首要任務是為所有全日制及兼讀制學生提供一個高質素、安全及具啟 發性的學習環境。在課室內,所有學生及教師均應堅守準則、專注學習,以 確保課堂得以順利進行並有效達至學習目標。我們本著尊重與包容的精神, 為社會上不同人士提供教育服務。 Log into your online account Users are able to use their Learner Portal/Teacher Portal/Staff Intranet account to login to SOUL. To obtain your SOUL account information, please go to SOUL at https://soul2.hkuspace.hku.hk/resources/about/index.php. 網上學習系統帳戶 用戶可以使用他們學員網站 / 教師網站 / 內聯網帳戶登錄 SOUL。導師及學員 可以透 過以下連結獲取 SOUL 的帳戶資料:https://soul2.hkuspace.hku.hk/ resources/about/index.php。 Library facilities HKU SPACE students with a HKU Libraries Borrower’s Card/HKU Facilities Access Card are entitled to borrowing privileges as well as access to some web-based electronic library resources. The list of electronic resources available is constantly expanding as the School, in association with HKU Libraries, is continuously working to provide access to databases that serve the diverse needs of adult learners pursuing continuing education in a wide range of disciplines. HKU Libraries Borrower’s Cards and Reader’s Cards are issued according to course requirements. Please consult the relevant programme staff. 圖書館服務 凡持有香港大學圖書證/設施使用證的學員均可借閱各種圖書,並可瀏覽網上 電子圖書館的資源。學院與香港大學圖書館緊密合作,不斷擴展及更新電子 資源庫,以滿足不同學科的持續進修者需要。 香港大學圖書證及閱讀證按課程需要而發出,詳情請向有關課程負責人查詢。 Lifelong Learner Card HKU SPACE issues a Lifelong Learner Card to every student and every member of the HKU SPACE ALUMNI. There is no expiry date on this Card as the School recognises that lifelong learners may return to active learning at any time and use the Card as a personal identifier in class or for e-registration. Cardholders enjoy discounts and offers, subject to the current terms and conditions. Please access the Alumni Website (https://alumni.hkuspace.hku.hk) for details. Upon admission, a HKU SPACE student will be required to submit a recent passport size colour photo for the issue of the Lifelong Learner Card. It is always advisable to bring the Card to class as it serves as a personal identifier. The alternative would be a valid programme fee receipt. Sometimes, it may be necessary for students to show their Hong Kong Identity Cards, for example, for access to classrooms located in commercial buildings after regular office hours. Each full-time student of the Community College is issued with a Student Identity Card which gives the right to access to the College’s facilities and services. After graduation, they will receive the Lifelong Learner Card. 終身學員證 每位學員及校友會會員可獲發學院的終身學員證。 由於學院認為終身學習者可於任何時間再次持續進 修,故終身學員證並無期限。學員在上課或下次報 讀課程時,可憑終身學員證以識別身分。 學員及校友會會員可根據最新條款,憑終身學員 證享有折扣優惠或服務,詳情請瀏覽學院校友會 網站(https://alumni.hkuspace.hku.hk/cht/)。 學員初次報讀課程時,一經取錄,須提交彩色證件近照一張,以便印製終身 學員證。上課時學員須攜帶終身學員證,或出示有效的課程收據,以便確認 身分。惟在某些情況下,例如在非辦公時間內進入商廈上課,學員可能須出 示香港身分證。 附屬學院的全日制學員獲發學生證者,可使用附屬學院的設施及服務。學員 在畢業後,會獲另發終身學員證。 Academic Matters 學術方面的安排