019 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Financial Assistance 進修資助 Continuing Education Fund (CEF) The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) encourages local residents to pursue continuing education by providing them with subsidies for continuing education and training. The aim is to encourage Hong Kong residents to pursue continuing learning so as to better equip themselves amidst the rapidly changing vocational, technological and socio-economic developments. 持續進修基金 持續進修基金鼓勵本地居民接受持續教育,並為他們提供持續教育及培訓資助。 目的是鼓勵香港居民持續學習,以便在瞬息萬變的職場、科技和社會經濟發 展中更好地裝備自己。 Enhancement Measures The following enhancement measures are applicable to CEF courses which commenced on or after 1 August 2022: – increasing CEF subsidy ceiling from $20,000 to $25,000 per applicant; – re-activating closed CEF accounts, so that applicants can make use of the unused balance (if any) under the original subsidy of $10,000, as well as the additional subsidy of $15,000; – adopting a co-payment ratio by learners for the first $10,000 subsidy at 20% of the course fee and that for the remaining $15,000 subsidy at 40% of the course fee; – cancellation of the upper age limit for applicants; – expanding the scope of CEF courses to all eligible courses registered in Qualifications Register; – streamlining application procedures, and lifting the restrictions on validity period and number of claims; and – enhancing the quality assurance monitoring of CEF courses. 優化措施 以下優化措施適用於2022年8月1日開課之持續進修基金課程: – 每位申請人的資助上限由港幣20,000增加至港幣25,000; – 重新啟動已關閉的持續進修基金帳戶,讓申請人可動用原有的港幣 10,000元資助中尚未申領的結餘(如有),以及新增資助的港幣15,000 元; – 首港幣10,000元資助的學員共付比率(即學員本身需負擔的費用的百分 比)為課程費用的20%,其後港幣15,000元資助的學員共付比率則為課 程費用的40%; – 取消申請人年齡上限; – 持續進修基金課程擴展至所有資歷名冊內所有合資格課程; – 簡化申請程序,取消有效期和申請次數限制;及 – 加強對持續進修基金課程的質素保證監察。 Eligible applicants A person who meets the following eligibility criteria can apply for CEF: – A Hong Kong resident who has the right of abode or the right to land or to remain in Hong Kong without restriction, or a holder of one-way permit from Mainland China; – aged between 18 and 70 (i.e. before reaching the age of 71) both at the time when the CEF course commences and submitting the respective reimbursement application (The upper age limit has been removed for courses commenced after 1 August 2022); – has successfully completed a CEF course of which the tuition fee has been paid; and – has not obtained any other public funds or publicly-funded financial assistance for the same course, module or unit of study credits. Applicants can check the usable balance of subsidy by logging in CEF website, and use the subsidy calculator to estimate the eligible subsidy. 申請人資格 申請人須符合下列申請資格: – 屬香港居民並擁有香港居留權、或香港入境權、或有權在香港逗留而不 受任何逗留條件限制、或持單程證從中國大陸來港定居的人士; – 在基金課程開課時及遞交相應的申領發還款項申請時,申請人年齡介乎 18至70歲(即年齡屆滿71歲之前)(2022年8月1日或以後開課的課程, 將不設年齡上限); – 已成功修畢基金課程,並已繳付學費;及 – 從未就同一項課程、學習單元或學分獲其他公帑或在其他公帑資助計劃下獲 得任何資助。 申請人可登入基金網頁查閱可用的資助結餘,並利用資助計算器預計可獲的 資助。 How to apply CEF application forms [SFO313(2022)] can be obtained from any HKU SPACE Learning Centres, District Offices, the Office of Continuing Education Fund (OCEF), or downloaded from https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef/download/ SFO313.pdf. Applicants do not need to submit any documents before class commencement. They must submit the completed CEF application form with the required institutional certification and supporting documents to the OCEF within one year upon successful completion of a CEF Course, and before the age of 71 (The upper age limit has been removed for courses commenced after 1 August 2022). Late application will not be accepted by the Government. Please refer to the School website (https://hkuspace.hku.hk/cef) for details on the application procedures. For full-time programmes of the Community College, please refer to the “CEF Enhancement Measures – Notes to Students for Application” in the Learner Portal for details. HKU SPACE Learning Centres where completed CEF application forms are accepted for certification: • HPSHCC Campus • Admiralty Learning Centre • Island East Campus • Fortress Tower Learning Centre • Kowloon East Campus • Kowloon West Campus 申請手續 基金申請表格[SFO313(2022)] 可向香港大學專業進修學院各教學中心、各區 民政事務處、持續進修基金辦事處或從網頁https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef/ download/SFO313.pdf下載。 申請人無需於開課前遞交任何文件。他們必須於成功修畢基金課程後一年內 及年屆71歲前(2022年8月1日或以後開課的課程,將不設年齡上限),連同 所需文件,遞交已填妥並經學院核實及蓋章的基金申請表至持續進修基金辦 事處。過期申請將不獲政府受理。有關申請程序詳細資料,請參閱本院網頁 (https://hkuspace.hku.hk/cef)。有關附屬學院的全日制課程,請參閱學員網 站內「CEF Enhancement Measures – Notes to Students for Application」。 香港大學專業進修學院指定接受基金申請表作核實的報名中心: • 香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院 • 金鐘教學中心 • 港島東分校 • 北角城教學中心 • 九龍東分校 • 九龍西分校