016 Studying in HKU SPACE 學在 HKU SPACE Data Privacy Policy Statement HKU SPACE respects personal data and is committed to full implementation and compliance with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. In doing so, we will ensure that staff involved in handling personal data comply with appropriate standards of security and confidentiality. In general, HKU SPACE, being part of the HKU, complies with all relevant and applicable HKU policies. 個人資料私隱政策 學院會依照香港個人資料(私隱)條例,確保員工在處理個人資料時會依循適 當的保安及保密守則。 本學院作為香港大學的一部分,亦將會遵守大學所有相關及適用的政策。 Uses of personal data we collect Whenever personal data is collected from you, electronically or physically, the purposes of the data collected will be specified. The personal data we collect will be used for processing applications for admission and registration, academic and administrative communication, web access and statistics, alumni management and contacts, research, statistical purposes, marketing (including direct marketing), patient management and contacts, and prescribed purposes as allowed by the law from time to time. Examples are necessary student records, academic communications, alumni communication, patient records and other incidental activities etc. Your data will solely be handled by HKU SPACE staff but may be transferred to and used by other companies under contractual activities with the School for the above mentioned purposes. HKU SPACE will divulge personal information only if required by law or with your prior consent. However, data may also be used in aggregate form for research and statistical purposes and in such circumstances individual data will not be divulged. The personal data that you supply (including, without limitation to, your name, contact details and other information collected in your profile such as the programme(s) you enrolled, your graduation year etc.) may be used for communication, alumni contacts and promotion on the availability of programmes and courses. This will also include seminars and events, discounts and offers, clinics and other services as well as alumni events, privileges, networking opportunities and fund-raising initiatives. Occasionally information from our parent University and fellow HKU subsidiaries may also be sent. Various communication channels will be employed such as direct-mail, email, mobile phone and other forms of social media. You always have the right to make subsequent changes on your choice of receiving further marketing materials by sending a written unsubscribe request to the Data Protection Officer (please see contact details in the paragraph “Data Protection Issues / Enquiries”). To enhance your browsing experience on our website, we may use cookies to collect certain information from your web browser while you are navigating our School website. You can always adjust the settings or clear browsing data from your web browser, but this may affect your browsing experience. You can find more details about the use of cookies on our website https://www.hkuspace. hku.hk/use-of-cookies/ 收集個人資料之使用 不論從任何方式,包括從網上或實體途徑收集 閣下的個人資料,本學院均 會闡明收集個人資料的目的。本學院所收集之個人資料,在法律許可情況 下,將用於入學申請、註冊、有關學術及行政通訊、網頁瀏覽及數據分析丶 校友事務及聯絡、研究、統計、市場分析及推廣(包括直接銷售)、管理病人 記錄及聯絡病人等用途,例如,學員記錄、學術通訊、校友通訊、病人記錄 等。此等資料亦可能以合約形式外判至其他機構處理。 本學院只會在法律規定或得到 閣下同意下,才會向外界提供個人資料。個 人資料當用於研究及統計方面,將不會泄露個別人士的資料。 閣下 提供的個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡方法及其他資料如曾報讀的課程、畢 業年份等)將用作與學院溝通渠道、校友通訊及推廣之用,學院將透過信件、 電子郵件、流動電話和其他社交媒體等為 閣下送上學院的最新課程資料及 推廣訊息,這些資訊亦將包括學院講座及活動、折扣優惠、診所服務、校友 會活動、校友會會員尊享優惠、校友聯誼及籌款活動等,當中亦可能包括香 港大學或其附屬機構的不定期資訊。 閣下可隨時以書面或電郵方式向學院 個人資料私隱主任申明是否願意繼續接收有關資訊。(個人資料私隱主任聯絡 方法,請參閱「查詢有關個人資料私隱」部分。) 為提升 閣下的網站瀏覽體驗,本學院使用網絡cookies來收集 閣下在本 網站上的瀏覽紀錄。 閣下可以透過更改瀏覽器的設定,以清除這些瀏覽數 據。請注意,如果 閣下透過修改瀏覽器設定,停用所有cookies(包括基 本cookies), 閣下或無法使用學院所提供的部分服務。有關本網站所使用 的cookies,可按此https://www.hkuspace.hku.hk/cht/use-of-cookies/參閱詳 情。 Right of access and correction Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, individuals have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data. Should you wish to access or correct your personal information held by us, please send your enquiry or request to the Data Protection Officer by post or by email (please quote “Data Access Request”). A reasonable fee may be charged for the processing of certain data access requests. 查閱和改正個人資料的權利 按香港個人資料(私隱)條例規定,個人有權要求查閱和改正其個人資料。倘 若 閣下希望查閱或改正收錄於本學院的個人資料,請以書面或電郵方式向 本學院個人資料私隱主任查詢或提出有關要求(請註明“查閱資料要求”)。本 學院將會酌情收取行政費用。 Changes to this Statement The HKU SPACE Data Privacy Policy Statement may be updated from time to time so please check this statement periodically. In case of inconsistency between the English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. 修訂聲明 此項聲明內容將會定期更新,請定期查閱最新修訂的內容。中英文版本如有 出入,將以英文版本為準。 Data protection issues/enquiries Issues/enquiries should be addressed to HKU SPACE Deputy Director (Academic Services) who acts as the Data Protection Officer for the School. 查詢有關個人資料私隱 本學院常務副院長(學務)現兼任個人資料私隱主任, 閣下如有任何查詢, 請與主任聯絡。 Data Protection Officer HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, Suites A & B, 12/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong. Email: privacy@hkuspace.hku.hk 個人資料私隱主任 郵寄地址: 香港金鐘道95號統一中心12樓A&B室 香港大學專業進修學院 個人資料私隱主任收 電郵地址: privacy@hkuspace.hku.hk Data Privacy Policy 個人資料私隱政策