160 Engineering and Science 工程及科學 This is an exempted course under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,本課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 These are exempted courses under the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》,這些課程屬獲豁免課程。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認這些課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 The course operator is applying for exemption under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. 課程主辦人正根據《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》辦理豁免註冊手續。 It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 Library and Information Studies 圖書館及資訊科學 Diploma in Teacher Librarianship Programme Code: LB010A Application Code: 2250-LB010A 3762 0842 judy.cheung@hkuspace.hku.hk This course aims to develop teacher librarians in the skills and knowledge to manage a school library, to build up resources for curriculum development, to assist in teaching and learning and to cultivate in students the attributes of independent inquiry skills. It also develops teacher librarians with personal and professional competencies in resources planning, management and discovery, collaboration among different users, leadership, as well as use of information technology and research methods. Applicants shall: - hold a teacher certificate; AND - have a minimum of two years teaching experience, or their equivalence. Term Fee : HK$30,000 per instalment (1st installment for Year 1) Term Fee : HK$30,000 per instalment (2nd installment for Year 2) 2 years English Level 4 (Reg. No.: 07/001664/4) Validity Period: 05 May 2008 - on-going Certificate for Library Assistants (English) Programme Code: LB001A HK Library Association Application Code: 2280-LB001A 2587 3210 csb.lam@hkuspace.hku.hk The programme aims to 1. describe the characteristics of different types of library and information centres; 2. develop skills and techniques required by library assistants in identification, acquisition, storage, organization, use and circulation of information; 3. identify various application of information technologies in library services; 4. evaluate various categories of information resources, print or electronic for the provision of information service. Applicants should: (i) have gained three passes in HKCEE* plus Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKCEE or equivalent; or (ii) have gained five passes in HKCEE* including Grade E or above in pre 2007 HKCEE for Chinese Language and English Language or equivalent; or (iii) have completed Senior Secondary Curriculum, or (iv) have completed and passed the Project Yi Jin Programme. * Applicants who have successfully completed an Applied Learning Course will be comparable to a HKCEE subject pass (up to a maximum of two subjects), excluding Chinese Language and English Language. Applicants who do not possess the above academic qualifications but are aged 21 or above with relevant work experience will be considered by individual merit. Applicants are advised to submit a recommendation letter from their employer with their application. HK$12,000 per programme 1 year English Level 3 (Reg. No.: 07/001655/3) Validity Period: 05 May 2008 - on-going 圖書館助理員證書(中文) 課程編號:LB002A HK Library Association 報名代碼:2265-LB002A 2587 3210 csb.lam@hkuspace.hku.hk 課程目標: 1. 描述各種類型圖書館及資訊中心的特色; 2. 建立圖書館助理員管理圖書館所需的技術及技巧,如圖書資源的識別、搜集、 貯存、組織、使用及流通; 3. 認識應用在圖書館服務的各種資訊技術; 4. 評估資訊服務所需的各種資訊來源,包括印刷的及電子的資源等。 - 於香港中學會考獲3科合格*,及英國語文科和中國語文科考獲第二級或其同等學歷;或 - 於香港中學會考(二零零七年前)考獲5科E級或以上,包括英國語文(課程乙)及中國語文 或其同等學歷;或 - 完成香港高中課程;或 - 完成毅進課程及取得合格成績。 * 申請人若修畢應用學習課程,將等同一科香港中學會考科目及格(最多可計算兩科),不包 括中國語文科及英國語文科。 申請人若欠缺上述學歷,但年滿二十一歲並具有圖書館相關工作經驗,學院將按個別情況考 慮。請將有關證明文件連同報名表一併遞交。 HK$12,000 1年 粵語 資歷架構級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:07/001836/3 資歷名冊登記有效期:2008年5月5日 - 持續有效 書籍維護與修復證書 課程編號:LB005A 報名代碼:2245-LB005A 2587 3210 csb.lam@hkuspace.hku.hk 本課程提供專業的書籍與檔案維護及修復訓練,適合需要從事書籍與檔案維護及修 復工作的圖書館或有關工作單位的從業員修讀。本課程乃全港現有唯一的書籍維護 及修復證書課程。 (甲) 於香港中學會考獲 3 科 E 級*,及於英國語文科及中國語文科獲第 2 級;或 (乙) 完成香港高中課程或同等資格;或 (丙) 具有 5 年相關工作經驗。 * 可包括不多於2科應用學習科目:如修畢1科應用學習科目,將等同1科香港中學會考科目 合格。 ** 由2007年開始,學院確認於以往香港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科及英國語文科(課 程乙)的 E 級成績〔英國語文科(課程甲)的 C 級成績〕,與香港中學會考中、英語文科的第 2級成績相等。 # 可包括不多於 2 科應用學習科目:「達標並表現優異」相等於香港中學文憑考試第 3 級;及「達 標」相等於香港中學文憑考試第 2級。 申請人若欠缺上述學歷,但年滿21歲,具有圖書館相關工作經驗者,學院將按個別情況考 慮。 HK$15,000 4個月至5個月 粵語 資歷架構級別:2 資歷名冊登記號碼:09/002838/2 資歷名冊登記有效期:2009年4月18日 - 持續有效 Certificate for Module (Records Management, Archives and Digitization) Programme Code: LB023A Application Code: 2235-LB023A 3762 0051 infolis@hkuspace.hku.hk This programme aims to introduce to students the nature, functions and techniques used in records management, the principles of transferring records to archives and the current practices of digitization of different media in various industrial and commercial sectors as well as in government departments. Applicants should hold: - The Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management or equivalent; or - Relevant professional qualification(s). Applicants with other equivalent qualifications and relevant work experience will be considered on individual merit. HK$7,500 4 months English Level 5 (Reg. No.: 19/000653/L5) Validity Period: 01 Jun 2019 - on-going