For more and latest programme information, please visit our website 有關最新課程資訊及詳情,請瀏覽學院網站 Minimum Entry Requirements 基本入學要求(P.017) Fee 學費 Duration 修業期 Medium of Instruction 教學語言 Qualifications Framework 資歷架構 Exemption 豁免 Short Course 短期課程 See legend on page 031 圖像說明於第031頁 107 Arts, Design & Culture 藝術、設計及文化 證書(單元:塑膠彩人體寫生) 課程編號:AT012A 3762 0083 本課程旨在加強學員對塑膠彩人體寫生的認識和技法,掌握如何運用塑膠彩去表現 人體的骨骼結構、肌肉質感、人體與空間的關係等。學員亦可嘗試結合自身的藝術 素質和美學觸覺,創造具有個人風格和特色的人體藝術,並學習欣賞和評價塑膠彩 人體寫生作品。 HK$5,400 共10講,約3個月 資歷架構級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:21/000142/L3 資歷名冊登記有效期:2021年4月1日 - 持續有效 證書(單元:實驗性素描) 課程編號:AT025A 3762 0086 課程旨在啟發學員對素描的認知和審美,運用不同的媒介和實驗性方法去探索素描的 本質和可能性,並透過素描表達自我情感。學員將會嘗試結合自身的藝術素質和美學 觸覺,創作具有個人風格和特色的作品,並學習欣賞和評價不同類型的素描作品。 HK$4,500 共10講, 約3個月 資歷架構級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:24/000325/L3 資歷名冊登記有效期:2024年4月1日 - 持續有效 證書(單元:西洋美術史導論 - 當代藝術) 課程編號:AT024A 3762 0086 本課程旨在介紹由六十年代至今,西方藝術的不同形式和表現風格,並培養學員對 當代藝術的認知及欣賞。 完成課程後,學生應能夠: 一. 闡述西方藝術自六十年代至今的發展; 二. 論述當代藝術各種表現風格和創作意念;及 三. 評賞歐美當代藝術大師的代表作品。 HK$4,200 共12講, 約3個月 資歷架構級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:24/000232/L3 資歷名冊登記有效期:2024年2月1日 - 持續有效 Certificate in Foundation Art and Design Programme Code: AT002A 3762 0087 This programme aims to provide a basic understanding of art and design for beginners and those who have some knowledge of art to develop their artistic skills and creative ability. Students are to choose 5 modules from our regular programme and complete special assignments. 1. Supervision Fee: HK$4,500 (One-off payment; payable at the time of registration) 2. Module Fee: See individual course description (Payable at the time of individual course enrolment) 1.5 years to 3 years Level 2 (Reg. No.: 07/001556/2) Validity Period: 05 May 2008 - on-going Drawing I 素描(一) S Programme Code: ARTW9006 General Students ARTW2001 Students of Certi cate in Foundation Art and Design This course is for beginners and those who have some experience. It will help students see as artists see, engage all their senses and enable them to draw expressively. Topics include: hatching; pure, modified and cross contours; value and tones; texture and volume; proportion and composition. Students have to bring their own tools and materials to class, and will be advised of the details by email three days before the course starts. 課程編號: ARTW9006 一般學員 ARTW2001 藝術及設計基礎證書學員 導師將指導學員利用素描方式記錄眼前或腦海中的景象、意念,甚至情緒。討 論範圍包括美學及構圖概念、視覺元素、空間處理及材料運用等,並讓學員嘗 試以鉛筆作基本練習及實驗。物料及工具自備,學院將於開課前三天向學員發 送電子郵件說明詳情。 3762 0087 HK$2,980 8 meetings, approx 2 months; 共8講,約2個月 Drawing II 素描(二) S Programme Code: ARTW9003 General Students ARTW2002 Students of Certi cate in Foundation Art and Design This course is a series of media explorations (charcoal, conte crayon and oil pastel) with an emphasis on the role of colour as a descriptive as well as an expressive element in drawing and the relationship of the medium to the meaning of a work. Students have to bring their own tools and materials to class, and will be advised of the details by email three days before the course starts. 課程編號: ARTW9003 一般學員 ARTW2002 藝術及設計基礎證書學員 本課程是素描(一)的延續課程,以加深學員對形態、比例、體積、質感、空間 感及透視等理解。物料及工具自備,學院將於開課前三天向學員發送電子郵件 說明詳情。 3762 0087 HK$2,980 8 meetings, approx 2 months; 共8講,約2個月 Western Art 西方美術